You will know the truth and the truth will set you free

(Continued from Truth About the Trinity)                             ©  COPYRIGHT NOW UNBANNED PUBLICATIONS 


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HERE FOLLOWS ALL THE SCRIPTURAL AND LITERAL PROOF THAT JESUS IS THE ONE AND ONLY CHRIST THIS WORLD WILL EVER SEE.  Jesus is the Name above all Names; the Greek Name of the eternal New Testament/Covenant Christ — not merely ‘a christ’ for the Jews to please them, but The Christ of EVERY true believer worldwide, who sincerely believes in Him, fully accepts Him, and obediently follows Him as His disciple, (Mt. 28:18-20; Jn. 1:1-14; 3:3-18; 8:12!)  Where is the ‘other Jewish christ’ who can be called, “The Light of the World,” “The Bread from Heaven,” “Living Water,” “The Word of God.” “The Creator [of the universe,]” “The [Only] Way, The Truth, and The Life?”  Because Jesus established His eternal New Covenant for every true believer on earth, (not just for believing Jews,) the New Testament was written in Greek, NOT in Hebrew.  So, everyone who denies and substitutes the Name of Jesus in favor of the manufactured names of a so-called Jewish ‘christ’ they are still waiting for, is in the claws of the antichrist in the from of Messianic and other Judaism, (Jn. 1:1-13; 1 Jn. 5:18-19!) 

The Hebrew Scriptures, (the Torah or Tanakh, psalms, and prophesies,) prove undoubtedly that Jesus is the Only Incarnated Man Who could fulfill all the requirements of the Dual Old Covenant Law, (the ceremonial temple law and inward moral law, John 1:1-14; Matthew 5:17-20,) as well as all the Old Testament’s prophesies throughout His life and at the cross.  Everything is clearly recorded there: from His miraculous conception as God in the body of a mere man, to His omnipotent ministry of healing, redemption, salvation, and blessing; to His suffering and death on the cross; to His resurrection from the dead and His ascension into heaven, from where He will return to judge “the living and the dead,” (Isa. 7:14; 9:6; 53:3-12! Heb. 1:1-14; Acts 19-11!)  There is absolutely NO doubt that the One and Only Jesus of the New Covenant Scriptures IS the Prophesied One: the True Christ or Savior, the eternal Redeemer and Blessor.  There will not and can never be another christ,  (2 Cor. 11:4!)  So, neither Jews nor Christians have an excuse to reject the Scriptural Name and Almighty Personhood of Jesus Christ to call Him by so-called “Hebrew” names.  The True God, Creator of heaven and earth and everything in it, perfectly understands all languages.  The ‘Sacred Name Movement’ and Messianic Judaism in all its variations forms were established by masonic Jesuits to derail believers from The Truth, the Only True Christ that will live forever, (Jn. 1:1-3; Heb. 1:1-12.) 


Here follow only a few verses, which can leave no doubt that the prophesied Hebrew Savior of the Old Testament is Jesus Christ of the New Testament Covenant.  The Lord Jesus literally fulfilled all these Hebrew Scriptures to a T.

Psalm 2:7; 12-13, “I will declare the decree: The Lord has said to Me, You are My son, Today I have begotten You…  Kiss the Son…  Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.” 

Prov. 30:4, “Who has ascended into heaven?  [Jesus, in Whom the fullness of The Godhead dwells bodily: Colossians 2:9.]  Or descended?  [Jesus, in Whom the fullness of The Godhead dwells bodily.]  Who has gathered the winds in His fists… Bound the waters in a garment… Established all the ends of the earth?  What is His Name, and what is His Son’s Name if you know?”   His Name is Jesus, the eternal Name above all names! 

Dan. 3:25, “[The fourth Man in the fire with Daniel’s friends was Jesus.]  His form is like the Son of God.” 

Isa. 63:7-15 describe The Godhead of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, “[Revealing Himself to His people, God Jesus said,] “Before Abram was, I Am: John 8:58,”) He became their Savior…  in all their affliction He was afflicted… (Isa. 63:10.) But they rebelled, [rejected Him as Savior, John 1:10-14,] and grieved His Holy Spirit...” Ps. 51:11, “Do not take Your Holy Spirit from me…” 

Isa. 48:16-22 also describe the Scriptural Godhead of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, “The Lord God and His Spirit have sent Me.  Thus says the Lord your Redeemer [Christ Jesus,] the Holy One of Israel: I Am the Lord your God…”  (Rom. 1:20-21.) 

Isa. 11:1 was literally fulfilled in Matthew 3:16-17, “There will come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse…” Jesus the Christ, born from the tribe of Judah, was born from the royal family of King David. 

Micah 5:2-9, “[From] Judah will come forth... The One to be [the Spiritual] King in Israel…”  Fulfilled in Jn. 18:36, when Jesus said to Pilate, “My [eternal] Kingdom is not from here. [It has no such origin or source.]  If My Kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My Kingdom is not from here.” 

Isa. 11:2, “[In His complete humanity,] The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon Him, [the human Man Jesus, when He came up out of the water at His baptism, was anointed by the Holy Spirit, Mt. 3:13-17.]  The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord…” 

Isa. 32:9-15, “[The Old Covenant God will withdraw Himself from the Israelites] “until the Spirit is poured upon us from on high… [which was fulfilled at Pentecost after Jesus’ ascension, Acts 2:1-4; 16-21.]”  There was a 400-year ‘gap’ between the Old and New Testament Covenants.  After that, Jesus was born on earth, was immersed in water baptism as the example to all His true believers, and was tempted for 40 days, “so justice [could] dwell in the wilderness…” (Isa. 32:16; Mt. 28:18-20.) 

Jesus is Old Testament Melchizedek, King of Salem; priest of the Most High God.  Melchizedek is the Eternal High Priest according to the Divine Order of Melchizedek, Who met Old Abraham returning from war, (Gen. 14:18-20; Heb. 7:1-9.) 

Jesus’ virgin birth: Is. 7:14.  “The Lord Himself will give you a sign… The virgin will conceive…” 

Jesus’ birth, and Old and New Testament Names as God: Isa. 9:6, “Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the [reign] will be upon His shoulder.  And His Name will be called Immanuel… (God with us.) Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, [Jesus is God Himself, the ever-present, ever-living Creator and Father, Whom all the angels worship, Whose throne is forever: Hebrews 1:1-14.]  Everlasting Father...”  In the New Testament, in Revelation 1:8 and 15:3-4, Jesus is clearly called “The First and the Last… The Lord God “Almighty!”

The flight to Egypt: Hos. 11:1; Mt. 2:15, “Out of Egypt I called My Son…” 

Jesus’ ministry of miracles: Isa. 35:4-6, “...He will come and save you.  Then the eyes of the blind will be opened… the ears of the deaf will be unstopped… lame will leap… the tongue of the dumb will sing…” 

Jesus’ redemptive suffering, death, and burial — fully fulfilled in the New Testament.  Isa. 53:3-12, “He [will be] despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief… surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…  He was bruised for our iniquities.  The chastisement for our peace was upon Him.  And by His stripes, we are healed.  For the transgressions of My people, He was stricken, and they made His grave with the wicked - but with the rich at His death…” (Fulfilled, Mt. 27:57-60.) 

Jesus’ last words to the Father: Ps. 22:1, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” - fulfilled in Mt. 27:46. 

Not one of His bones were broken: Ps. 34:20, fulfilled in Jn. 19:33.

His side was pierced: Zech. 1210, fulfilled in Jn. 18:34.

Darkness came over the earth when Jesus died: Amos 8:9, fulfilled in Mt. 27:45. 

Jesus had risen from the dead: God did not abandon Him in Hades, [which is the grave not hell:] Ps. 16:10; fulfilled in John 20 and other passages, and described throughout the New Testament. 

Jesus ascended to heaven, Ps. 68:18.  Eph. 4:8, “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive.... [opened heaven for all true believers, who were lost and in bondage to darkness before that.]” 

Jesus’ return in That Day, “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that He will stand at the Last Day [singular] upon the earth; and after I shall awake, though this body be destroyed, yet out of my [new] body, I shall see God." (Job 19:25; 1 Cor. 15:35; 50-58.)  I can only say this to all that:  HOW DARE ANYONE REFUSE AND COMPROMISE THE CHRIST, JESUS GOD’S ONLY SON? 


Godhead 3.jpg

[Acknowledgement to the person who published this image]



No Bible writer ever tried to dissect or ‘clarify’ the One God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as Roman Catholics did in later years.  The term and meaning of the dogma as well as the word ‘trinity,’ as taught in Roman Catholic doctrine where “mother” Mary is the feminine holy spirit, as well as in the slightly adjusted Roman Catholic version of Protestantism where the Holy Spirit is hardly mentioned, do not exist in Scripture

It might be news to Scripture-twisting Modulists, (Pentecostal Oneness or Jesus-Only members in all their various forms,) and Unitarians such as Jehovah’s Witnesses, but it is a fact that both the Old and the New Testaments are permeated with the clear understanding that Jesus the Son of God is not a creature of God as the angels are, or a mere human being or human prophet that died and was left in His grave.  Neither is the Holy Spirit a characterless “title,” a mere “manifestation” or “attribute” of God’s “presence” (such and wind and fire,) but God Himself. 

So, Who Is the One God of the Bible really, Whom Jesus defined as “the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?” (Mt. 29-19-20.) 

The first sincere believers, who lived as contemporaries of Paul and the other early disciples, ‘naturally’ accepted the truth concerning the One God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Whom New Testament Bible writers called “The Godhead,” “Godliness,” or “Divine Nature [Character,]” (Col. 2:9; 1 Tim. 3:16; Acts 17:24-31 KJV)  Nevertheless, Paul knew there would always be legalistic, (meaning, ‘salvation must be progressively achieved’ through the observance of church ritualism and manmade dogma,’) argumentative, manmade views, which would withstand and pervert the true Being, Name, Character, and Word of God to lead Jesus’ believers astray.  Thus, through his explanations, he made provision for us to remain in God’s Truth.  So, Paul wrote in Col. 2:8-9, “Beware lest anyone cheats you through [manmade dogma] and empty deceit…  Without controversy, [let there be no misunderstanding about this:] great is the Mystery of Godliness: [Father] God was manifested [revealed] in the flesh [as Jesus the human being, and] justified in the Spirit…” (1 Tim. 3:16-17.)  Wow, how clear can that be? 


In the whole of the New Testament, the One God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is simply known as “The Godhead.”  Consequently, in my earnest attempt to understand more about the One God of the Scriptures without resorting to any manmade doctrines, which try to dissect the unfathomable Being or Nature/Character of God in human terms, the only Scriptural yet greatly ignored expression of the “Mystery of Godliness,” (1 Tim. 3:16,) which I could find, are the following. 

“The Godhead,” (Col. 2:9-10,) “God is Spirit,” (Jn. 4:24,) “Eternal Power and Godhead,” (Rom. 1:20,) and “Divine Nature,’ (Acts 17:29.) I could not find any other Scriptural ‘description’ of the Being of the Bible’s One God of Father Son, and Holy Spirit.  God’s Being is indeed “a great mystery.”  Yet, it is no secret Who the God of the Bible really Is. 

When we look at the indescribable wonders of creation, we get a glimpse of The [Inexpressible] Godhead, the Creator of heaven and earth.  However, as God is so much higher than any of His created beings, we still see “dimly, as in a mirror, and understand as a child, for we know in part and prophesy [or, in this case understand and can explain only] in part,” (1 Cor. 13:9-12.)  As long as our human, flesh-bound minds remain incapable of comprehending the unfathomable “Mystery of Godliness,” our tongues too, will remain unable to clarify “The [Scriptural] Godhead” of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.   

· This is why, in Rom. 1:20, Paul attempted to bring some insight into the New Testament’s “Mystery of Godliness,” or God’s Infinite Being, by looking at His “fearfully and wonderfully made” creation, (Gen. 1:31; Ps. 139:14-16.)  He wrote, “Since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen.” This means, God’s unseen existence becomes clearly and indisputably visible through the amazing works of His hands.  The meticulous order, inconceivable designs, and astonishing wonders of creation, help us to begin to understand something of the supernatural, limitless power of God and His mind-boggling qualities, which can only be attributed to the Almighty God.  Looking at His creation, helps us to “see” the all-powerful, super-intelligent, all-knowing, and omnipresent God, Who can only be the “Eternal Power and Godhead…” so that [those who reject the Scriptural Godhead] are [really] without excuse…” 


If we concentrate on what Paul wrote in 1 Tim. 3:15-16, it brings the incomprehensible God clearly in focus through the incarnation of Jesus.  He wrote, “...Great is the mystery of Godliness, [or the mystery of God’s Being, which was obscured in prophesy during the Old Testament, but which was clarified and fulfilled in the New Testament through the human being Jesus Christ, because] God was manifested [revealed or shown] in the flesh…”  Thus, the Man Jesus is the “express image of [God’s] Person [or of God Himself…]” - (Heb. 1:3.)  In modern terminology, we can say that the Man Jesus is an exact Photograph of the previously unseen, Old Testament God because Jesus is, always was, and always will be God Himself. 

· In Col. 2:8-10, Paul continued to teach on the “mystery of Godliness.”  He warned, “Beware [watch out,] lest anyone cheats you… according to the basic principles of the world, [widely accepted theories, assumptions, and Christianized pagan dogmas] and not according to Christ.  For in Him [Jesus] dwells [present tense] all the fullness of The Godhead bodily; [in His risen, glorified body,] and [all the sincere disciples of Jesus] are complete in Him, [for you do not need any other ‘mediator’ or so-called way of enlightenment, salvation, redemption, and blessing except Jesus,] Who is the Head of all principality and power,” (Col. 2:8-15.) 

· Thus, according to contextual Scriptural truth, the expression “The Godhead,” allows us some human understanding of how the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is inseparably One Person or God in the glorified body of the Risen Jesus.  So, we can accept that Jesus has always and will always live as the inseverable, omnipresent, and omnipotent Godhead of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!  This is not distorted Jesus-Only dogma.  This is Scriptural truth. 

· As a result, heaven or the throne of The Omnipresent Godhead, Who “took on the  form” of the man Jesus, could never have been “empty” while Jesus lived on earth; suffered, and died on the cross as a human being, or while Jesus walked the earth after His resurrection, awaiting His ascension.  As Jesus ascended bodily into heaven, now, the “fullness of the Godhead” still “dwells bodily” in Jesus’ resurrected, glorified human body in heaven, (1 Cor. 15:40-58.) 

· The inseparable Godhead always was and always will be ever-present.  The Father did not look down on His suffering Son on the cross like a human father would look at his suffering son, because humans are separate people.  The Father and Holy Spirit were never separated from the Man Jesus on the cross, as the Godhead Is present everywhere in heaven and in the whole universe all the time.  Yet, Jesus had to endure the full brunt of that dreadful cross as a mere man — and without the support of His Divinity and His holy, ministering angels, to perfectly atone in the place of all humanity as a complete human being.  At His arrest in Gethsemane, Jesus said to Peter, “Put away your sword.  Don’t you think that [now as a human,] I can pray to My Father, Who will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?  How then could the Scriptures be fulfilled, if it must happen thus?” (Mt. 26:53-54.) A legion of Roman soldiers numbered 6,000.  So, 12 legions of angels numbered 72,000 angels. 

· Therefore, from the truth of Scripture, it is impossible to separate the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit into three different so-called “divine persons,” (which as gods,) “substances,” or “manifestations,” and declare that either is god without the other, or that either functions or exists individually, above, or apart from “one another.” 

· As someone brought to my attention: there is only One Throne in heaven, and only One God sits on The Throne, (Rev. 19:1-5.) 


It is an irrefutable, Scriptural fact that the Man Jesus, (God Who became flesh,) always was, and always will be God.  Rev. 1:8; 22:18, “Jesus [the human man living on earth] applied God the Father’s title (and Name) to Himself.” [Spirit Filled Bible, 1991.]  Jesus Personally declared, “I Am [YHWH or “I Am Who I AM” of the Old Testament,]” the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, Who IS, Who Was, and Who Is To Come, the Almighty [God!] - (Ex. 3:14; Rev. 1:7-8.) 

And so, the Man Jesus Christ, the visual “image” of God, declared throughout His ministry on earth that He Is “I Am…”

“I Am [YHWH] the bread of life…” (Jn. 6:25.) 

“I Am [YHWH] the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no one comes to the Father [in heaven] but by Me,” (Jn. 14:6.) 

“I Am [YHWH] the door [to the Father in heaven and to everlasting life.] If anyone enters in by Me he will be saved,” (Jn. 10:9.)

“I Am [YHWH] the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, [though he physically dies,] yet he will live,” (Jn. 11:25.) 

“I Am [YHWH] the light of the world. He who follows Me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life,” (Jn. 8:12...) 


The following examples are used to ‘explain’ the trinity dogma, but only succeeds in explaining The Godhead of the Scriptures. 

We were all taught to say, “We cannot separate ‘Divine Union’ or ‘Agreement’ between the three separate and distinctly different, Divine Persons called the father, the son and the holy spirit.  [So,] in the trinity, these three distinctly different persons are one as explained in the composition of the sun.  Trinitarians say, the planet of the sun is not the heat or the light, and visa versa.  Yet, the planet, heat and light form the sun.  [However, the truth is that the heat, light, and planet of the sun are not ‘in agreement with one another.’ Completely inseparable, the planet, heat and light form the planet of the sun.]  They also try to illustrate the trinity as follows.  Water is ‘one,’ yet it manifests itself in liquid, ice, and vapour.  [This is the same as the example of the sun.  These are not different ‘substances.’ Together as one liquid, ice and vapour IS water.] 

These trinity-examples are really illogic in their futile attempt to explain the inseparable Godhead of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as merely being in ‘agreement with one another.’  The Godhead is Creator of all these things, and God can never be compared to any of His creatures or anything in His creation!  Neither does The Godhead merely “manifest” (or show) Himself as the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit, as Pentecostal Oneness say.  In Scriptural truth, The [unexplainable] Godhead or One God IS the Inseparable Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! 

[See the answers to the Muslim accusation that Christians worship three gods in a trinity, and the serious question, “If Jesus is God and omnipresent, how could He forsake Himself on the cross?”  And “How could Jesus pray to Himself if he is God?]” 


Is it possible to say, strictly according to the contextual truth of Scripture, what “a complete man,” whom “God made in His likeness,” looks like?  Certainly, but to know that humans merely resemble the appearance of God, is as far as our human abilities can help us to understand the Indescribable Image of the Infinite God, (1 Cor. 13:9-12; Col. 2:9.) 

“Let Us make man in Our image” is God’s revealed will for us to know what God looks like according to Scripture.  The writer of Gen. 1:26-28 stated that God made man in His “Image,” or to resemble His “Likeness.”  Nevertheless, God did not make humans as gods or as clones or replicas of Himself!  Therefore, humans can never compare to God’s almighty, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Godhead and Divine Character.  For flesh-bound humans to be made in God’s ‘Image,’ it means, God made man to resemble His “appearance, representation, look, reflection, expression, imprint, or figure.” 

Scripturally, a person or an individual human being consists of:  a supernatural human spirit and a human soul; (mind, or consciousness,) [consisting of an intellect, will and emotions,] which live in a human body,” (1 Ths. 5:23; Heb. 4:12.) 

In fact, the entire truth of contextual Scripture relates to a person as a single, physically undividable, tri-part being.  If we were able to see the spirit and soul inside the body of a human being, we would find that each part of that person is of a different substance, material or matter; yet each part is the same person in a different form, which looks exactly alike.  That is to say, if Anne’s supernatural human spirit would appear and speak to someone, it would be Anne, resemble Anne and sound like Anne, although it would not be of the same substance as her human body, (1 Cor. 15:35-58.)  In fact, as the human spirit of Anne is such an inseparable, integral part of Anne while she remains physically alive, her human spirit is Anne herself, just as her soul or mind is Anne herself, and her body is Anne herself.  Thus, if Anne’s spirit should speak to someone, it would be Anne herself speaking supernaturally to that person.  

Þ Furthermore, although the human spirit and human soul are such inseparable, integral parts of the person, according to Scripture, it is not impossible or pure madness to speak to one’s own human spirit and one’s own human soul, (mind, will and emotions,) as illustrated in Lu. 12:1921, “And I will say to my soul, ‘Soul, (or mind,) you have much goods laid up for many years…’”  Job 7:11, “I will speak in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul…”  Ps. 42:11, “’Why are you cast down, oh my soul, why are you disquieted within me?’”  I believe we humans all speak to ourselves without ever thinking that it is another being, separate from ourselves, we are addressing.  We are simply addressing ourselves because the body, soul, and human spirit function together as one person. 

When a human dies, because he is human, his or her supernatural human spirit is separated from the body and soul (or mind/brain/consciousness) and goes directly to the Lord, Who is Spirit.  Meanwhile, the person’s soul (or mind) and body await the return of Jesus Christ in the grave, to be reunited with the human spirit, and thus to be resurrected in a “glorified” body, similar to Jesus’ own resurrected, glorified, human body, (Lu. 16:19-31; 1 Ths. 4:16-18; 1 Cor. 15:35-58.)  

Let us note that none of these passages, which explain the composition of “the man created in God’s Image,” describe a “person,” “individual,” or a single human being as:  1) Two or more persons such as twins, who can supposedly be ‘one’ or in complete union with one another as the same person.  Two or more different persons will always remain two or more separate individuals, humans, or entities, no matter how much they agree with one another.  2) A single “person” with more than one completely different, yet ‘agreeing’ characters or personalities in the same body, as that would be a mad person. 


Can we, (apart from the fact that we can look at man as a natural ‘likeness’ of God,) know what God looks like?  To see anything more, or something other than what God Himself has revealed in the context of Scripture, would be arrogant idolatry and pure witchcraft.  Nevertheless, rejecting all doctrines that do not match the entire truth of Scripture, we can say that God and His human creatures do resemble one another — now, after the fall in Eden, at least in outward appearance.  Consequently, this is how God portrays Himself throughout the context of Scripture

· Dan. 3:25, “[The Old Testament king said of the three men, whom he threw in the fire,] “I see four men there, and the fourth is like the Son of God!”  Jesus God’s Son in the Old Testament Covenant — “Everlasting Father;” “Mighty God and Almighty God” in Rev. 1:6-8; 15:3, appearing in the furnace in the ‘image’ of the human being Jesus Christ! 

The following visions of God, as given to Old Testament Daniel and New Testament John, are exactly the same, and again, The Godhead is revealed to us in the form of a single human being. 

· “[Daniel wrote,] ...The Ancient of Days [was seated on a throne,] His garment was white… The hair on His head was [white like] pure wool… [and John affirmed in Revelation,] His feet were like fine brass…  His voice was as the sound of many waters…”  (Dan. 7:9, 13, 22; Rev. 1:12-18.) 

· The writer of Heb. 1:1-4 stated, “[Jesus God’s Son in human form] is the brightness of [God’s] glory and the express image of [God’s] Person.”  The Scriptures tell us, the Man Jesus is the exact Image of God.  Should we wish to know what God looks like, we can simply look at the human being called Jesus! 

· Heb. 7:3 testifies to this immovable fact, “[Melchizedek, king of Salem is] without father, mother, genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made [to look] like the Son of God, [the Man Jesus…]”  


(Continue to “Let Us make man”)