You will know the truth and the truth will set you free |
· Neither rejection, fear, hardship, suffering, nor anything else can tear us away from Christ unless we consent to evil and be overcome by it, (1 Ths. 5:21-22; Rev. 12:11.) On Golgotha, Jesus took all our scorn and rejection and ‘low self-esteem’ on Him. He was not ‘good enough’ for anyone. “[They saw no beauty in Him] that they should desire Him. [So,] He was despised and rejected, [not only on the cross but oftentimes throughout His life on earth.] They hid their faces from Him, [treated Him as worthless by coldly ignoring Him in their rejection of Him,] and did not esteem Him [even as a human being,]” (Isa. 53:2-3.) Jesus, God Himself, endured all that abuse for every person on earth, so that we, from the moment of our spiritual rebirth when we sincerely accept Him, can be fully loved, appreciated, and accepted by God through His atonement in our place! (Jn. 1:12-14.) What a massive punishment He endured in our place! What an incomprehensible sacrifice He willingly made for us all! Why would anyone try to ‘go on a journey of self-discovery’ while Jesus did it all in our place? All we have to do to ‘get’ acceptance, Godly self-esteem, and complete deliverance from all rejection and everything else, is to wholeheartedly accept what Jesus did in our place and gratefully live in it! (Forgive us, Lord, we fall so easily short of this!) Sadly, God’s full acceptance through the Lord Jesus Christ is not good enough for self-glorifying ‘deliverance’ and other clergies. They unrepentedly insist to add to and subtract from what Jesus has completed at the cross, to insert and add their false church system and dogmas! (Jn. 19:28-30!!!) · Jesus “carried our sorrows and grief” so that we can be completely comforted by the indwelling Holy Spirit as we surrender ourselves and all our burdens to Him in prayer, (Isa. 53:4.) We are [present tense,] spiritually “complete in Christ,” Col. 2:9-10.) Romans 8:26, “The Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what [and how] we should pray [in hardship and affliction.] But the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with [unutterable] groaning.” Footnote, S.F.L. Bible 1991 version, “He does not pray instead of us, but takes part and makes our weak human prayers effective [when we pray in the will of God.]” Where and how can ‘deliverance” New Age and other ‘healing’ techniques show up here to replace the perfect intercession and prayer support of the Holy Spirit? · "The Lord Jesus Christ was wounded for all our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, and the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed, [present tense,]" (Isa. 53:5.) He took all our emotional and physical ailments on the cross so that total deliverance at our rebirth and healing in Christ can be a reality for all sincere believers by His complete forgiveness for all our sins, (Col. 2:11-15.) We are truly “complete in Him!” Most importantly, His blood-cleansed inner peace can constantly, [present tense,] rule in our ‘hearts’ despite our circumstances, (Jn. 18:36.) This is full and complete 'inner healing' of all our emotions through His atonement - and this also happens at the moment of our rebirth, and manifests as we grow soulically and surrender to Him! · “He does not give His peace as the world does,” to take it away at every whim. He is the Prince of Pease Who 'abides' in us 'until the end of the world,' (Mt. 28:18-20.) It is we ourselves, who forfeit His peace by not realizing how complete and everlasting His peace really is. Again, He does not heal through any pagan attraction-laws in church, but through our Scriptural "mustard seed faith" in, and sincere acceptance of the reality of His blood and wounds in our place, because this is the Truth of God's Word, which is the "lamp unto our feet" in all this terrible church darkness and confusion! (Eph. 1:7; Isa. 53:5.) It is a certainty that the One and Only True Jesus still heals on all levels of life - although not as the false Jesus of the churches supposedly ‘heals!’ Jesus God of the Bible took all our illnesses by taking all those stripes and other torture in our place. We ourselves forfeit His will for every situation in our lives by running "to and fro" after manmade plans and by trusting in false church doctrines, powered by evil spirits.
Church Hoaxes aside, Why Don’t We See Miracle Healing like in the Days of Peter and Paul? The global pharmaceutical, homoeopathic, other alternative New Age medicine, and church industries are spiritually, emotionally, and financially vampirizing sick people to capitalize on their suffering. However, in Scripture, we see Jesus, (in His ministry to the Old Hebrews under the Old Testament Covenant before the cross and Pentecost,) walk on water, turn water into wine, make the lame walk, the blind to see, raise the dead, and heal the insane without any of the demonic madness we witness in churches, (Jn. 1:1-14; 7:39.) To some degree, this is also the example Jesus’ true disciples have followed since Pentecost under His New Testament Covenant, (Acts 1:8.) Yet, believers must understand the context of Scriptures to realize that the entire “deliverance [and healing] ministry” chaos is nothing more than a massive money-hoax. · After Pentecost, ‘deliverances’ from demons in believers are non-existent in the contextual truth of Scripture as all Jesus’ genuine disciples are the temple of the Holy Spirit and already spiritually totally delivered from all darkness at their rebirth through faith in and acceptance of Him, (Jn. 1:12-16; 3:3-5; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:13-14; 2:9-10! 1 Cor. 3:16-17!) When believers continue in personal sin, it is always because they choose not to repent, to do the will of “their father the devil,” (Jn. 8:44!) The only prescription Jesus wrote to get the thoughts, desires, beliefs, and emotions of true believers free on a mind or soulical level, is His admonition to repentance and to know (and obey) the Truth of Scripture - and not to run after false church clergies and so-called ‘healers and deliverers,’ (2 Tim. 2:23-26.) Still, evil forces constantly attack believers with all kinds of afflictions and temptations to destroy their faith and commitment to the Lord. And so, God made provision for our soulical and physical lives through His indwelling Holy Spirit and His powerful gifts to work miracles, such as His supernatural healing, (Mark 16:16-18; 1 Cor. 6:15-20; 12:4-11.) So, what happened to those miracles which the first ‘Followers Of The Way witnessed in the Book of Acts? To find and rectify the causes of either fake or allegedly ‘ceased’ miracles, let us trace the deterioration of the body of Christ since late 1 A.D. For good reason, Paul warned in Acts 20:29, “…After my departure, vicious wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock…” (Acts 9:2; 22:4; 24:14.) The first disciples after Pentecost were known as small groups of “believers, who were called “The Followers of The Way.” Their gatherings formed the “ecclesia” or assembly of believers in their homes, (Acts 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22; 1 Cor. 12:4-31.) But in Acts 11:26, Jesus first disciples fell into apostasy at Antioch by converting to the first known mass meeting of the Roman Catholic church, where they were first “called Christians.” Their church apostasy at Antioch changed the name, form, and function of “The Followers of The Way” (Jesus Himself,) into church “Christianity.” “Christianity” then quickly grew into all the many divisions of the Roman Catholic Church to form all her many Protestant, (just another branch of Roman Catholicism,) and other denominations; the modern cell-church system of Christian Buddhist Yonggi Cho included. [Scroll down on the Webpage to find what the cell-church system of Cho really models.] This major shift in name, dogma, form, and function of The Followers of The Way and their ecclesia is the main cause of the alleged ‘disappearance,’ and the incredible distortion of the powerful gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is why God commanded in Rev. 18:4, “Come out of her, [the church system] My people [not Jews or Catholic or Protestants but true believers or Followers of The Way,] lest you share in her sins and receive of her plagues.” But what is so wrong with the church system that miracles either ceased or were grossly distorted among them all? 1. God “does not dwell in [church] buildings made with hands” like under the totally ousted Old Testament Covenant, (Heb. 8:13; Chapters 7-9; Acts 7:47-50; Heb. 8:9-15!!!) God always means what He says: He truly does not dwell there! (Rev. 18:4.) 2. The many false doctrines, which caused the nearly countless divisions of Roman Catholic Church Christianity, (Acts 11:26,), and the Reformation, when the Protestant daughters of Catholicism were establish, (Rev. 17-18,) also caused true miracles to cease among them, because of their rejection and distortion of the Holy Spirit, (Mark 7:13.) The Biblical Holy Spirit and the True Word of God, Jesus, Is One, and can never be separated from each other or divided into all those many denominations. 3. The unscriptural church clergies of ruling hierarchies that established and control all the churches, are the ‘vicious wolves’ Paul warned about. They all abuse the Scriptures as they please, to teach their own church dogmas and agendas under the guidance of the Illuminati and other masonic orders. Hence, they function in utter Scriptural lawlessness," as Jesus warned in Matthew 7:21-24.
What must believers do to regain the real miraculous “power” of the Holy Spirit that seems totally lost during our ever-darkening time of deception? 1. They must first set their priorities in order. We cannot seek Jesus for miracles without submitting to His sovereign will for every situation in our lives. Perceptions of a ‘religious church life’ are completely foreign to the relationship-truth of Scripture, (Mark 7:6-23.) Jesus did not give us the power of His indwelling Holy Spirit just to do miracles but to preach His Gospel to the world and to minister His real gifts to one another, (Acts 1:8; Mt. 28:18-20; Jam. 4:1-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-31.) Still, miracles such as healing are part of our ‘spiritual birthright’ in Jesus, (Mark 16:15-18; 1 Cor. 12:4-11.) 2. Believers must recover their Scriptural, holy fear or awesome respect of God and obey His Moral Law in the leading of the Holy Spirit, (Jn. 18:34; Prov. 9:10.) When lukewarmness began to snuggle up to believers in Acts, God judged them. “[So,] great fear came upon all the [ecclesias and… many signs and wonders were done among [followers of The Way…]” (Acts 5:11-12.) Churches either pushed Jesus out of reach to make Him “The terrible Judging Father,” or dragged Him down to “The Big Daddy of Unending Grace” to give them “little god” or “mediating priest” status, 1 Tim. 2:5.) Either way, they exposed believers to a fake Jesus, which resulted in religious church apathy towards the True God of the Bible, as He revealed Himself in Scripture, especially in New Testament Scripture, (2 Cor. 11:3-4.) 3. A Scriptural-renewed-mind revolution must take place among the body of Christ, (Rom. 12:1-2,) to “know [and obey] the perfect will of God.” Jesus’ believes must take personal responsibility for their lives in Christ and shake off the church’s ‘sick, sinning, demon infested, hospital-nursing home’ mentality and all her other false doctrines, so-called ‘saving’ sacraments, norms, and forms, (Col. 1:12-14.) Then, they must seek and occupy their true identity, function, and purpose in the contextual truth of Scripture, (Rom. 12:1-2; Acts 17:11; 2 Ths. 2:10; 1 Cor. 12:1-31.) 4. Believers must repent from a ‘pastor-god-reliance’ mentality and personally follow Jesus in the truth of His entire, contextual Word to repent from either the spiritual death and pathetic passivity, or the spiritual chaos of churches, which manufacture manmade healings and other artificial miracles, (2 Ths. 2:9-11.) All believers received gifts from the Holy Spirit “as He wills,” (1 Cor. 12:11.) They will witness countless miracles as they minister their gifts to one another when they gather, not in church fashion, but as the dogmatically and church cleansed, Scripture obedient ecclesia (gathering) of Jesus’ sincerely born again body of believers, (1 Cor. 12:4-31.) 5. Miraculous healing is also subject to Scriptural obedience. We must forgive trivial matters ‘automatically,’ while we must deal with important matters according to Matthew 18:15-20. As far as possible, we must confess the serious sins we committed against one another to one another, (Jam. 5:16-18,) anoint the sick with oil, or lay hands on them as the Holy Spirit leads. Even then, Jesus does not always heal instantly, (Mark 8:22-25.) He might also withhold healing to teach us obedience and dependence on Him, keep us sincere and humble, etcetera, (2 Cor. 12:7-10; Heb. 5:8.) He might even choose to use lifestyle changes and/or medicine and real medical help instead of doing miracles, (Prov. 17:22; 1 Tim. 5:23; Lu. 10:34.) But as long as we submit to His will, we know He still does miracles in His own timing, according to His will, and to supply our genuine needs. Our amazing God is still the same “yesterday, today, and forever,” Who never ceases to amaze us! (Heb. 13:8.) Relating Articles: The Power of Praise in Deliverance from Affliction The Seven Ecclesias in Revelation show us How to Overcome Satan’s Traps
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