You will know the truth and the truth will set you free

(Continued from The Godhead)                                    ©  COPYRIGHT NOW UNBANNED PUBLICATIONS 


This article has nothing to do with “Jesus-Only” Oneness Pentecostal, or any other dogma, which I sternly reject.  To submit to and obey your priest, pastor, or minister and their church doctrines rather than God, is idolatry.  God Himself commanded His disciples to “test all things; [reject what is false,] and hold fast what is good [and true],” (1 Ths. 5:21; 1 Jn. 4:1-4.)  It is the duty of all those who call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to open their minds to Scriptural truth concerning all doctrines, and to repent from everything that is false to live in God’s Truth, (1 Ths. 5:21-22; 1 Jn. 4:1-4.) 


As neither the word ‘trinity’ nor its strange concept can be found in the Bible, where did Christianity get it? 

Wikipedia wrote, “[It was not Jesus’ first disciples or original Scripture, but one of the] early [Roman Catholic] church fathers who [invented] the word ‘trinity’;’ [namely,] Theophilus Patriarch of Antioch in 2 A.D...  [Jesus’ original Followers of The Way “were first called Christians at Antioch” during the latter part of 1 A.D. — Acts 9:2; 11:26.] 

Þ “Theophilus described the trinity as God, His Word Logos, and His Wisdom Sophia...” 

What this early mocker of God actually did, was to place a replica of the God of the Bible over the entire “Christian church system” that flowed from Roman Catholicism into Protestantism and all its denominations; saying this “god and his so-called written word” have a “feminine” goddess in their triangle: Sophia the so-called holy spirit, which is their wisdom!’ 

Thus, the triangle that encapsulates the Christian trinity personifies the “agreement” between these distinctly different and separate three ‘divine persons’ [a ‘divine person’ is a god]] in “one.”  I say it again because this antichrist audacity is totally mind-blowing.  The Vatican modeled the entire church system on Christianized, pagan, temple/steeple worship.  And the god, which the Vatican then set up over this system, is the Christianized version of the pagan trinity. 

Þ In fact, Theophilus’ trinity-triangle refers directly to sun and earth worship.  The obscured truth is that, just as in all pagan religions, towers and temples, (Christianized as steeples and churches,) are inseparable.  The steeple represents Father Sun God in constant coitus with Mother Earth — constituted by the temple/church building.  (Mother Mary is the Christianized earth goddess Mother Earth.)  And this copulation between the sun god and mother Mary continually “births” Christians or ‘little christs and gods,’ who attend to their church system in pagan, hierarchical style.  [“Christian” means little god.”]  In masonic orders, this steeple attached to the church building is symbolized by the compass-on-top-of-the-square triangle or the pyramid sign that all masons and other Satanists show.  Hence, we find masonic orders in control of politics as well as the entire church system, where most Christian leaders openly present their masonic signs to the world.  Masonry and thus all religions, Christianity too, are inherent sex cults. 

Dr. Gordon Laing, (University of Chicago,) clarifies, “The worship of the Egyptian Triad Isis, Serapis, and the child Horus probably accustomed the early theologians to the idea of [trinitarianism] and was influential in the formulation of the doctrine of the trinity as set forth in the Nicaean and Atanasian creeds…”  [To which both Catholics and Protestants still hold.]  Cher-El L. Hagensick wrote in ‘Origin of the trinity from paganism to Constantine,’ “These were not the only trinities early Christians were exposed to. The historical lecturer, Jesse Benedict Carter, tells us of the Etruscans. As they slowly passed from Babylon through Greece and on to Rome, they brought with them their trinity of Tinia, Uni, and Menrva. This trinity was a ‘new idea to the Romans,’ and yet it became so ‘typical of Rome’ that it quickly spread throughout Italy.  Even the names of the Roman trinity: Jupiter, Juno, [the Roman Catholic Dove, the feminine holy spirit Sophia, or Mother Mary] and Minerva, reflect this ancestry.  That Christianity was not ashamed to borrow from pagan culture is amply shown by Durant: ‘Christianity did not destroy [or reject] paganism; it adopted it…’


   trinity three legged triskelion.png     trinity nazi triskelion.png      trinity triskelion 3.jpg      

[Acknowledgement to the people who published these images]

Above:  Triskelion signs symbolize three different ‘divine persons’ or gods in ‘unity,’ acting as ‘one god.’  The concept pivots on the trinity of Satan: father Satan the sun god, the political beast, and the false prophet, (Rev. 13.) 


The Great influence of Historical Hebrew, Greek, and Roman Religions 

What set the God of the Old Hebrews apart from pagan worship, is the fact that the Old Hebrews worshiped only One God.  They were true Monotheists while pagans were and age polytheists, who worship many gods. 

The Old Hebrews never questioned their Tanakh, (our Old Testament Scriptures,) or tried to understand them intellectually.  They accepted the notion of The One God ‘naturally,’ just as the disciples of Jesus did after Pentecost.  (The Hebrews, now called the “Jews,” are still waiting for their Savior to appear.  But they should simply read the Old Testament to find that most of their prophecies concerning the Savoir were fulfilled more than 2,000 years ago when Jesus was born.) 

Although the Old Hebrews were supposed to be Monotheists, worshipping only One God, they constantly fell into idolatry, accepting polytheism and temple worship into their culture and religion. 

Still, their perpetual idolatry did not lessen the truth that the God of both the Old and New Testament Scriptures would always remain One Inseparable God, (revealed in the New Testament as Father, Son and Holy Spirit,) exalted forever above everything and everyone that might be revered and worshipped as gods.  Notwithstanding this great truth, many Bible Scholars actually have the nerve to teach that “ancient pagans, (even the Egyptians,) were actually monotheists.  They did not really worship many gods as polytheists, because they believed in the trinity,” [or “oneness” of agreement between three different and distinctly separate gods, who were masquerading as ‘one god.’] Thus, early humanity (and even modern pagans) allegedly all “worshipped the One, True God unknowingly!” 

These blasphemers equate the Scriptural God to those pagan deities and declare that they were and are all the God of the Bible!  Hence, to discredit the Inseparable One God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as an ‘imitation’ of those trinity deities, many critics of the God of the Bible use the fact that pagans also worshipped trinity-gods.  This, of course, is because Satan is the imitator of Jesus his Creator.  Since that day when humanity fell from grace in the garden, the devil has been setting up his fraudulent reproductions of nearly everything, which God had promised humanity He would give and do!  Thus, Paul commanded in 1 Cor. 10:14-21, and 2 Cor. 6:14-18, “Flee from idolatry… The things, which the [polytheist] Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God, and I do not want you to have fellowship with demons...  What fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness?  What accord has Christ with Belial?  Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? ...For you [sincere believers] are the temple of the living God…”   (1 Cor. 6:15-20.) 

After the fall in Eden and before the flood of Noah all of ancient humanity, (except for the house of Noah,) was into naked Satanism, as Old and New Testament Scripture testify.  Polytheism was as common in ancient paganism as in our day. 

Mayans, Hindus, Buddhists, and Egyptians all worshiped (and still worship) supreme trinity gods, compiled by three distinctly different gods ‘in agreement’ with one another, which are all false replicas of The Biblical God.  Ignoring the factual and Scriptural history of pre-flood Babylonian idolatry, which began to flourish again after the flood of Noah, trinitarians search for true Monotheism in the many pagan trinities of the world, only to find polytheism everywhere they look. 

Historians say ancient Sumeria was occupied by Assyria and eventually, by Babylon. They all worshipped a ‘supreme’ trinity, namely three distinctly separate persons or gods in union with one another, which ruled over all their other deities.  The Ancient Sumerian trinity was constructed by ‘agreement’ between Anu the father, Enlil the god of earth, and Enki the god of waters.  The Assyrian trinity was their transsexual father and mother in ‘heaven,’ which were “in union” with the ‘divine’ human Assyrian king, who did their will on earth.  The Babylonian trinity of three separate but equal gods were united by their “inter-relationship, which formed the essence of their natures,” and so on. 



Alexander Hislop, a 19th century minister, who fiercely exposed paganism in the Roman Catholic Church while overlooking Roman Catholic paganism in Protestantism, wrote in his book ‘The Two Babylons,’ “In the unity of the ‘one’ god of the Babylonians there were three ‘persons,’ [or three gods] and to symbolize that doctrine of the trinity, they employed… the equilateral triangle, [the main symbol of all masonic orders, which rule Christianity as well as other religions and politics,] just as it is well known, the Roman Church [and all Protestant churches] do to this day…”

To Christianize the Roman Empire, Caesar Constantine (330 A.D.) and the Vatican officially accepted pagan dogmas, which they presented as Bible Scripture.  This is how they familiarized their pagan citizens with Christianity, which became the new State religion of the Roman Empire.  As with everything else, to describe the trinity, the Vatican did not turn to the contextual truth of the Scriptures.  Instead, they claimed, among their many other abominations, Greek and Roman doctrines as “trinity truth,” which were eventually adopted by the whole church system of Protestantism as well.  Today, that pagan filth that substituted the God of the Bible, is still being taught unchallenged to the members of all Christian denominations. 

During the Reformation, John Calvin, commonly known as “the cruel pope of Geneva,” the father of the Dutch and other Reformed Churches, (just as all the other Reformers,) placed himself above all accountability by building the new religion of Protestantism on the foundation of the Roman Catholic Church and in particular, their doctrine of the trinity; proving his deep and unshakable allegiance to the Vatican.  In 1853, because their fellow-reformer Michael Servetus refused to adopt the  Roman Catholic trinity into Protestantism, Calvin had him burnt at the stake for so-called “blasphemy.” 


This is how the Roman Catholic Vatican Carefully Constructed the Dogma of the Trinity from Paganism: 

¨ The Roman Catholic/Protestant Christianized pagan doctrine of Consubstantiality

Wikipedia reported, “[The word] ‘consubstantialis’ is an adjective used in Latin Christology, coined by [Roman Catholic Church Father] Tertullian… [and] used to translate the Greek term homoousios… [at the council of Nicaea in 325.]   

Þ "Consubstantial" describes the relationship among the cohabiting, [or the living together of the different so-called] ‘divine persons’ of the Christian trinity…  [‘Divine persons’ are gods.]  Consubstantialis signify that their god the father, god the son, and god the [feminine] holy spirit are "of one being" in that their father, [who is the ‘higher,’ so-called ‘almighty’ god — as the son is supposedly a ‘lesser, mighty god,’ Isa. 9:6,] "generated" ("birthed" or "begot") [the son] "before all ages" or "eternally" of the father's own being, from which the spirit also eternally ‘proceeds…’"  

With this, Catholics and Protestants too, who made this doctrine their own during the Reformation, actually describe how “each ‘divine person’ [or god] of their trinity allegedly came from a different place,” as the father “birthed” the son, and together, the father and the son “birthed the holy spirit.” 

Þ These blasphemers did not care that God Himself said in Heb. 7:3, “[The Scriptural Godhead of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] is without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like [or became “flesh” in the form of Jesus; the human image of] the Son of God…”  (Col. 2:9.) 

Wikipedia Encyclopedia continued, “Each [different] person [of the trinity] is [allegedly] god, whole and entire.  [Yet,] they are distinct [or separate] from one another in their relations of origin…”  This means, each god or ‘divine person’ supposedly came from a different source, as the Roman Catholic Church council, led by Pope Innocent 111 in 1213 AD, declared at the Fourth Lateran Council, "It is the Father who generates, the Son who is begotten, and the Holy Spirit who proceeds…”   I can only say again, Heb. 7:3 declares that God has no ancestry.  Yet, these anti-god priests had the audacity to dissect God and came to this blasphemous description of how allegedly God created Himself.


¨ The Roman Catholic/Protestant Christianized pagan doctrine of Hypostases

Wikipedia, “The [Greek or Roman] concept of [tritheism or three gods in one,] “hypostases,” means the shared existence of [separate] spiritual or corporal entities (plural,) [meaning three separate gods sharing one habitation,] has been used in a number of [pagan] religious and intellectual settings… In Christian theology, a hypostasis, [a god, or] a ‘divine person’ is one of the three  elements of the trinity, [signified by the triangle that incorporates them. Here, they actually define each ‘divine person’ or god as a ‘created element’ like water or fire...] In Christian usage, the Greek word hypostasis (ὑπόστᾰσις) means beneath standing...” [This means, one ‘divine person’ or god is “more important,” “more dominant,” and “more mighty” than the other one - as in ‘almighty father’ and his son Jesus who is only ‘mighty father!’] 


¨ The Roman Catholic/Protestant Christianized pagan doctrine of Ousia

Wikipedia, “In Early Christian writings ‘hypostases’ [means] "being" or "substantive reality" and is not always distinguished in meaning from ousia, 'essence' or 'substance,' [or some other kind of incorporating or unifying existence...] 

In ancient Greek, ‘ousia’ is the noun formed on the feminine present particle…  [And here they refer to the ‘feminine’ holy spirit ‘Mother’ Mary.]  In 251 AD, Origen used ‘ousia’ to define the Christian god as one genus of ousia, while being three, distinct genus of hypostases, [persons or gods...]  The common agreed upon meaning is, “All that subsists by itself and has not its being in another…”  [Clearly, according to this definition, each person or god of the trinity is a completely separate individual or entity and utterly distinct from the other two individual ‘persons’ or gods.] 


Hypostases [coupled with ousia] was used in this way by [Roman Catholic church fathers] Tatian and Origen, and also in the anathemas appended to the Nicene Creed of 325.  It was mainly under the influence of the Cappadocian [church] fathers that the terminology was clarified and standardized, so that the formula, "Three hypostases [or different, individual persons or gods] in one ousia" came to be accepted as an epitome of the orthodox doctrine of the trinity

“This consensus, however, was not achieved without some confusion in the minds of Western theologians, who had translated hypo-stasis as "sub-stantia" (or substance.)  [This was] understood by the Eastern Christians, when speaking of three hypostases" in the Biblical Godhead, to mean three "substances."  I.e., they [correctly] suspected them of tritheism.] 

“From the middle of the 4th century onwards, [since Caesar Constantine ‘Christianized’ the Roman Empire by merging Roman paganism with Bible text,] the word hypostases was contrasted with ousia and used to mean "individual [or distinctly separate] reality, especially in trinitarian and Christological contexts.  The Christian view of the trinity is described as a view of “one god existing in three distinct hypostases [or ‘divine persons’ — which still means three different gods in mere unity, or in agreement with one another.]” 



Unknown to Christians, “[It was not the truth of Scripture but the church father] Theophilus of Antioch, who defined the trinity as god, his word logos, and his wisdom Sophia…”  And so, the Vatican simply took the pagan goddess Sophia and blended her with the Jewish Cabbalist goddess Shekinah to Christianise her as the ‘holy spirit,’ who is actually their fertility goddess “Mother Mary.”  [Shekinah is the so-called ‘glory of god,’ which comes directly from the masonic Jewish Cabbala.] 

Wikipedia gives more detail, The [Roman Catholic] Confession of the Council of Nicaea said little about the Holy Spirit.  The [Catholic] doctrine of the divinity and personality of [their holy spirit] was developed by Athanasius.  He defended and refined the Nicene formula.  By the end of the 4th century, the doctrine of the trinity had reached substantially its current form…  This was when Caesar Constantine finally Christianised the Roman Catholic religion under the leadership of Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, and Gregory of Nazianzus (the Cappadocian church fathers.)”


                                                                                   pope worshipping mary.jpg                               

 [Acknowledgement to the person who published this photo]

Above:  The Mother Mary idol represents the feminine ‘holy’ spirit of the Roman Catholic Church, (a.k.a. Sophia/Shekinah,) which Protestants inherited from Rome. That is why the pope, his entire ‘god father’ priesthood, and all their Christians (meaning “little christs and gods”) bow to this idol. 

Protestant Christians do not realize that they are the spiritual “daughters” of Roman Catholic Christianity, (Revelation Chapters 17-18.)  Without knowing, all Christians actually worship the ‘holy spirit’ of the trinity as the pagan fertility goddess Mother Mary.  This is why reformers such as Calvinists hardly ever mention the Holy Spirit of the Bible, and why their followers still reject the Spirit’s  true, Scriptural miracles and supernatural gifts, (1 Cor. 12 & 14!) 


Reformed and other Protestants did not “progressively purge” these Catholic doctrines from their dogmas 

In the light of all the evidence of how the trinity was manufactured by the church fathers, we can say for certain that this Christianized Catholic/Protestant god is not the God of the Bible — the Inseparable One God of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  The Catholic veneration of the fertility goddess Mary, (‘the mother of god,’ ‘mother earth,’ ‘queen of heaven,’ ‘god’s wife,’) which the Reformers definitely did not repent from to serve the God of the Bible, relates to the trinity of Babylon.  This is the Christian version of the ‘divine family’ of ‘father’ Nimrod the sun god, Semiramus the fertility goddess or “Earth Mother,” and her reincarnated husband/son, the ‘cosmic christ’ Tammuz — venerated by Catholics and Protestants in the so-called “love feastof Saint Valentine’s Day.” 

Most Protestants do not know that their holy spirit is actually “Mother Mary,” as all their church fathers kept quiet about the true origin and meaning of their ‘holy spirit.’  Thus, Reformers confess their inherited, feminine ‘holy spirit’ in dogma but deny her in practice.  Even other Protestants who focus on the Holy Spirit of the Bible still unknowingly cling to the Roman, Christianized version of the pagan, Christianized trinity as well.       

The real Mary of the Bible was the human mother of the Man Jesus Christ, while God Jesus, the God of the Bible, “has no [physical] father or mother.”  It is crucial to always remember, “God is without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like [or in the human image of] the Son of God…”  (Heb. 7:3; Col. 2:9.)   

A dispute between Reformers John Calvin and Michael Servetus, (who was first part of the Reformation,) over the Protestant incorporation of the Roman Catholic trinity dogma, moved mason John Calvin (probably illuminati) to personally see to it that Servetus was burnt at the stake. Although the Protestant Reformers allegedly denied Mary as their holy spirit, their descendants still remain fused to the Roman Catholic dogma of the trinity like molten rock to a mountain — but the goddess Sophia/Shekinah is, and always will be the holy spirit of the pagan, Christianized, three-gods-in-union trinity. 

What’s more, Protestants still follow Catholicism’s basic church structures, where the physical church building is their ‘mother,’ which is always joined to the sun-god steeple, their father, (Acts 7:48: 17:24,) and where the members of their hierarchical clergy, (just as in Catholicism,) are their anointed ‘god fathers’ or mediators, who supposedly minister between them and the throne of their god.  (Jesus Alone is the Mediator of His New Testament Covenant, 1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 9:15.) 

Despite the truth of God’s Word in plain sight, Protestants also cling to Catholicism’s ‘saving’ sacraments such as the Christianized baby baptism and teenage confirmation; effectively nullifying Jesus’ complete atonement in their place.  

Charismatic Pentecostals and other churches, mostly unknowingly, also revere the false feminine ‘holy spirit’ as the Shekinah Glorywhen they experience manifestations such as “Shekinah Dust,”angel hair,” etcetera.  But neither the Catholic ‘holy spirit’ Sophia nor the Jewish Cabalist goddess Shekinah is God the Holy Spirit of the Scriptures.  The Holy Spirit of the Bible is not female and God definitely does not have a ‘feminine side,’ as Kenneth and Gloria Copeland  teach. 


In his book, ‘Two Babylons,’ Alexander Hislop exposed the feminine ‘holy spirit’ of Catholicism, but as a Protestant minister, he never repented from the idolatry of the Roman Catholic Church.  He wrote, “In the dove and the deified Queen of Heaven, as the tabernacle or temple of God, not only all power, but also all grace and goodness were believed to dwell…. To express the celestial benignity of her nature, she was called by the name of "The Dove…”  [Hence, the dove is a sign of ‘divine’ incest between the fertility goddess Semiramus and her reincarnated husband/son Tammuz that signify Saint Valentine’s day.] The dove, the symbol of this deified ‘queen of heaven,’ is presented with an olive branch in her mouth…  The branch is the symbol of her deified son, [the cosmic christ Tammuz or Horus — Christianized as the Catholic Jesus.]” 


When the deified mother was represented as a Dove… it identified her with the Spirit of all grace that “brooded, dove-like, over the deep at the creation;” for in the sculptures at Nineveh the wings and tail of the dove represented the third member of the idolatrous Assyrian trinity...  The Assyrian "Juno" or "The Virgin Venus" was identified with the [goddess of] air… In Chaldean, the same word, which signifies the air, signifies also the "Holy Ghost..."

“This knowledge accounts for the statement of Proclus that "Juno imports the generation of spirit."  Whence could the spirit of man be supposed to have its origin, but from the Spirit of God? In accordance with this character of Juno as the incarnation of the divine spirit, the source of life, and also as the goddess of the air, she is invoked in the Orphic Hymns…”


(Continue to Test the Trinity Shield)