You will know the truth and the truth will set you free

Scriptural Praise & Worship Versus Church Praise & Worship Music


Renette Vermeulen




[Acknowledgement to Edgar Winter who produced this image]

I did not read Edgar Winters’ “The Worship Evolution,” and therefore cannot recommend it as sound doctrine. However, the illustration of this ‘spiritual evolution’ of believers from humble servants to ruling “little gods,” (“manifest gods” or ‘god in the flesh,’) says it all.  Paul warned in 2 Cor. 11:4, “I fear… as he serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds were corrupted from the simplicity [the “purity, transparency, and direction”] that is in Christ.  For if he who comes preaches another [false] Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different [holy] spirit which we have not received, [through a] different gospel, which we have accepted - you may well put up with it!” 






I received letters on how charismatic praise and worship leave some believers cold, while the unceasing repetitions of words or phrases in songs scare others. Yet, most seem satisfied that they are really praising and worshiping God in a ‘Scriptural’ way.  In traditional churches, there is not much to be said for their type of ‘praise,’ (usually the same old hymns, played on dusty organs,) and worship does not enter their minds. While researching this topic, I was shocked by the lack of the Name of Jesus and His True Word in most songs, while New Age and other occult mantras disguised as praise and worship are rampant.  There is no doubt that satanic concepts and practices are engulfing believers who are exposed to money-making, self-seeking, ‘sexy’ ‘gospel’ bands, which flourish in churches and on social media.  As soon as one thinks ‘at last, true worship!’ your hopes are dashed by another masonic sign that is flashed to show their allegiance to Satan, or the disrupting “WOOOOOOOOOOOOW!” of Illuminist Michael W. Smith as he screeches praise to Satan in the background, while it seems all Christian rock and rollers holler out the “ecumenical, one-world church philosophy” over their microphones. 

As someone recently asked, “They sound so sincere and the lyrics are often Biblical.”  It is wrong to listen to them?

What bothers me about modern gospel singers is not only the fact that they apply all the worldly standards to their performances.  Most, if not all, have masonic orders behind their incalculable fame and fortune, not the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible.  Additionally, the Name of Jesus is disappearing from the Christian music scene and replaced by “the lord,” “god,” or any other non-specific reference to ‘a higher being.’  Jesus warned, “A tree is known by it’s fruit. [If the roots are bad the tree is bad...]  An evil man out of his evil heart brings forth evil things…” (Mt. 12:33-37


  chris tomlin.jpg   michael w. smith.jpg   hillson.jpg         jesus culture.jpg   

Phelps live is.jpg  Jimmy Swaggart.jpg  don moen arms uplaod.jpg  

[Acknowledgement to the people who published these images] 

Above from left, down to belowChris Tomlin and Michael W Smith show the Illuminati one-eye-covered sign.  The triangles behind Smith is Illuminati.  Hillsong and Bethel’s Jesus Culture openly placed the Illuminati triangle or pyramid over them in their stage lighting.  David Phelps presents an Illuminati church triangle.  Jimmy Swaggart shows the masonic Knights Templar lion’s paw, and Don Moen gives us an Illuminati pose while sowing his false ‘angel’ face. 

As proved in this study, the basis of Godly, Scriptural praise and worship is not the praise and worship we find in churches, and I am not supposedly ‘judging the hearts’ of believers.  Charismatic music gradually evolved into soul-capturing entertainment for the masses rather than personal sacrifice and full surrender to Jesus, which express our adoration and respect for the Almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ as well as our obedience to the truth of His Word.  Modelled on magnificent rock and roll music concerts, mega and other church praise-and-worship bands became the global manifestation of Jesus’ warning in Matthew 15:18, “These people draw near to Me with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.  IN VAIN THEY WORSHIP ME, TEACHING AS DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN” or false dogma! 

Þ Churches sublimely and openly write false lyrics into praise and worship songs.  We should listen attentively to what they sing  before participating in their songs.  E.g., “Lord I lift your Name on high… I love to sing your praises… You came from heaven to earth to SHOW the way…”  No! Buddha and Hindu avatars or ‘christs’ SHOW the so-called ‘way to enlightenment.’  The Lord Jesus Christ HIMSELF IS THE ONLY WAY to the Father in heaven, (Jn. 14:6-11.)  To say Jesus ‘showed’ the way is to make Him merely another false ‘christ’ and human ‘prophet’ of this world!  Everyone whose mind is open to the truth of Jesus will discern these spiritual dangers and seek the "all truth" of the Holy Spirit about everything in His Word, which ‘worship pastors’ and other singers neglect, abuse, and sell for fame and fortune. (Jn. 16:13.)  For instance, the Bethel/Jesus Culture Movement’s ‘worship pastor,’ Jen Johnson, says her ‘holy’ spirit is “a sneaky, silly, funny, blue genie.”  ‘Big daddy weave’ conjures up an image of messing with a mafia boss.  The Most Holy, Almighty God and Creator of heaven and earth neither ‘weaves’ Himself into humanity, nor is “Abba Father” a “Sky Dad,”  “Big Papa,” etcetera, on whose ‘lap they can sit in heaven,’ and who ‘plays with them as his little children,’ “Abba” means “Holy Father.”  Real Hebrews would never disrespectfully call God “Daddy.”  “Big daddy” is a false Jesus, (holy spirit, or father) who strikes up silly relationships with people to become their ‘friendly chum.’ Now if this self-entitled, undignified falsification of the Most High God of the Bible isn’t blasphemy, what is?

Compared to early Pentecostalism, the attempt to praise God on a humanized, pagan/Christian, emotional level is progressively accepted worldwide because of the desire for entertainment and a lack of respect for the Lord Jesus Christ and the Truth of His Word.  This is constantly fuelled by brainwashing them with false church dogmas, structures, norms, and forms, which contravene the Truth and commandments of Scripture.  In this way, believers succumb to Satan’s hypnotic, demonic music that deprives them of God’s praise and worship according to His will, (1 Cor. 12:1-11.)

False church concepts of worship in particular rule in churches.  It is right to declare that we “worship” Jesus because He is the Highest, Almighty, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Creator God of the universe, Who Alone deserves all praise, thanksgiving, and worship. But it is wrong to think we must “worship in church” or as pagans and most Christians believe, in some physical ‘holy place or temple,’ (Acts 7:48: 17:24.) Jesus clearly said, “[After the cross and Pentecost,] you will neither on this mountain [or any other so-called 'holy place,'] nor in Jerusalem, [as the covenant with Old Israel was done away with at the cross: Hebrews 8:7,13,] worship the Father… [Blood cleansed, Holy-Spirit filled] worshipers will worship the Father in spirit, [in their personally born again human spirits, which is the spiritual temple of the Holy Spirit, 1 Thessalonians 5:23,] and in truth, [in sincerity and according to the standard of  God’s Word.] God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth,” (Jn. 4:20-24.)

It is correct to believe that God communicates with us when we communicate with Him in praise and verbal worship — and of course, in prayer, (Jam. 4:7-8.)  Submitting to God and thus bowing before His throne to pray, praise, give thanks and to “worship Him in spirit and the Truth of His Word” will surely let “God also draw close to us.”  God is always in and with us through the indwelling Holy Spirit, (1 Jn. 2:20 & 27.)  But as we concentrate our thoughts on Him in praise and worship, we become more aware of His closeness to us and the manifestation of His awesome peace and power in our souls or minds. 

Still, our highest form of worship, which cannot be loosened from our ‘heart’ or human spirit and verbal worship, is what Paul commanded in Romans 12:1-2, “...Present [or fully submit and commit] your bodies, [spirit, soul/mind, thoughts, will, intellect, physical body, and life] a living sacrifice; HOLY, [because you became completely holy at the moment you received Jesus when you were spiritually reborn, and so, you are fully] acceptable to God. This is your reasonable [worship and agape] service [to God in ‘spirit and in truth,’]” (1 Ths. 5:23; Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5; 4:21-24,)


Churches totally lost this true form of worship.  Authentic praise and worship is not party-style, lip-service to God.  Praise and worship is not ‘getting lost’ and going crazy under the spiritual and emotional power of mesmerising praise and worship songs.  And no, I am not against guitars and drums in worship.  Instruments in itself are lifeless and cannot be evil.  The problem is that those playing the instruments and singing “worship and praise” songs can be evil.  On the other hand, traditional and other church members, who complain about the use of guitars, drums, etcetera in the assembly of believers should read the Bible.  It is not the loudness of the praise or the musical instruments, but the twisted content and strange motive of church praise and worship, which can cause us to stagger into the demonic realm while believing we are in the presence of the Holiest God.  It is NOT the ‘instruments’ that increasingly falsify Scriptural praise and worship, but the hidden agendas, false doctrines, and worldly, (mostly Illuminati/masonic and other satanic additions,) to it.  Even under the ousted Old Testament covenant with the Hebrews, (Heb. 8:7,13!) believers praised God “with the sound of the trumpet, harp, timbrel, and dances; stringed instruments and flutes, loud cymbals, and clashing cymbals,' shouting: ‘Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!’” (Ps. 150:1-6.) 

‘Worship-service’ means giving or totally dedicating ourselves as “living sacrifices to God” under all circumstances, (Acts 16:25-34.)  Self-dedication in praise and worship includes our entire lives, everyone, and everything God entrusted to us, (Rom. 12:1-2; Mt. 25:14-46.)  Therefore, Psalms 149, 150, and 98:4-9 fully reject traditional, joyless hymns and grieving church organs by commanding, “Sing to the Lord a New Song [inspirited by the indwelling Holy Spirit.] Praise God in His [heavenly] sanctuary… Praise Him for His mighty works and excellent greatness… in the assembly of saints,” which is the ecclesia, congregation, or gathering together of the authentic members of the body of Christ

In fact, holy action must always follow genuine praise and worship, which gives a completely different meaning to praise and worship as the churches taught believers to understand it, (1 Ths. 5:23.)  Hebrews 13:16 explains, “Let us continually, [as a lifestyle in Christ,] offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, [not only in song but in everything else, as well as in declaring the truth of His Gospel, which lift our souls and reach out to those who are lost,] giving thanks to His Name…”  Although much of that sincerity changed, the typifying exclamation of truly born again Pentecostals was “Praise the Lord,” each time they experienced something wonderful in their lives. 

Even during the Old Testament Covenant, which was done away with at the cross in favor of Jesus’ Eternal New Testament Covenant, (Heb. 8:1-13; Jn. 19:28-30,) praise and worship were connected to thanksgiving – and real Godly worship ‘naturally’ followed it.  Genuine praise, (admiration that stems from thanksgiving,) and worship, (full submission and adoration,) express our agape love “in deed and truth” for the Most High God, (Rom. 12:1-2; Jn. 4:21-24.)  This is the outward expression of our inward submission to the Highest God and His Moral Law, which commands, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength… and your neighbor as yourself...” (Lu. 10:27; Jn. 13:34.)

Thus, worship is not only the joy to praise God wholeheartedly.  It is a personal lifestyle in Christ by constantly surrendering to Him; thanking Him for His “spiritual completeness” in us, seeing God in everything He created, and constantly glorifying Him in everything we say and do as our Creator, Redeemer, Savior, Blessor, Protector, and Provider, (Col. 2:9-10; Rom. 1:20; Jn. 4:21-24.)  Without this personal, constant ‘sacrifice’ of ourselves in genuine thanksgiving, outward praise and worship remain worthless, (Mt. 15:8.) 

James 2:14-26 commands, “Let us [also] not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices [of practical worship] God is well pleased, [for faith without Holy-Spirit led ‘works’ of the Moral Law is dead.]”  This is where our “love” and practical worship-service to Jesus comes in.  We have to show Moral-law “love” to our “neighbors;” loving them in deed and truth as we love ourselves, (Jn. 13:34.)  “Doing good” to others while expecting them to also ‘do good’ to us is undeniable worship to God.  It is giving Him all the honor and praise, (ourselves and our lives,) for all His goodness to us.  Jesus proclaimed in Matthew 25:40, “Inasmuch as you did it to one of [My disciples to honor Me,] you did it to Me.” 

· This is another reason why “tithing to earn blessing” solely belongs to the nullified temple-worship of the Old Hebrews, (Heb. 8:7,13; 9:1,8-15; 10:1-24; 7:8-25.)  Fully blessed believers in Christ FREELY GIVE as the Holy Spirit leads them, (Gal. 3:10-15.)  This is a manifestation of agape love and a most important form of worship to God, as well as a privilege and pleasure, because it all comes from God Who supplies all our needs, (2 Cor. 8:1-5.)  If we can aid someone else’s need, it is actually praise and worship to our Heavenly Father

What a wonderful “lost truth” this is, that our inward and verbal “worship” of God culminates in our “service” to others. 

Not to gain anything from Him or from them, but to glorify or “worship” our Lord, God, Savior and King Jesus in everything! 

Of course, New Covenant believers cannot ‘earn’ anything from God no matter how hard they praise and how sincere they worship or do other good works of worship, as Jesus did it all for us on the cross so we could freely “inherit” all His blessings by believing in Him and genuinely accepting Him, (Gal. 3:10-18; Jn. 1:12-14.)  The Old Testament is now merely “an example” to New Testament believers in how God deals with believers on a Moral level, (Heb. 8:7-13; 1 Cor. 10:11.)  So, Paul commanded in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, (by talking to God throughout the day.)  In everything, [even in bad times,] give thanks… Do not quench the Spirit… [through ungratefulness.]”

The passage in Deuteronomy 28:45-48 also tells us what praise really is.  It is “joy” in God, [not uncontrolled laughter, twitching, falling, rolling, shaking, screaming, running, and other madness but] “gladness of heart” or sincere thankfulness for everything He does for His believers.  It is His goodness we must share with others until He returns on the clouds.

Þ Psalm 100 describes how we do this practically, “Give a joyful shout to the Lord… [not silly yelling but reverent, heart-felt, loud praise to the Lord,] serve Him with gladness; come before His presence with singing, [respectfully but boldly declaring] that the Lord is God made us… Enter into His gates with thanksgiving… and praise.  Be thankful to Him, and bless His Name...” ‘His gates’ is an Old Testament norm for entering into worship.  New Covenant believers simply praise God ‘from the heart’ whenever they can because they are always in His presence through the Holy Spirit, Who constantly indwells them as His spiritual temple,  (1 Jn. 2:20-27; Eph. 1:12-14; KJV.  1 Cor. 6:15-20.) 


I looked back on the old praise and worship songs of even worldly singers like Jim Reeves; comparing the doctrines in their songs with those of modern praise and ‘worship leaders,’ who, during the last decades, systematically addicted Christians to the excitement of their music.  The differences between their dogmas and God’s Truth are major.

Believers neglect to use their intellect when singing Gospel songs; seemingly forgetting they are communicating with the Holiest, Highest God.  The lyrics in songs are declarations to God, ourselves, other people, and if Scriptural, they can be used to withstand and overcome the devil.  In the older songs we also find choruses, but we do not find the useless repetition of one or more words like in many modern songs, which are flooded with occult mantras.  Here I am talking about phrases or words like "fill me up…  fill me up… fill me up…” or “worship… worship… worship…" that often continue for several minutes at a time. This is an occult technique to subliminally ‘empty’ the mind or thoughts, (like in Eastern yoga and other occult practices,) by “vain repetitions,” which Jesus forbade in Matthew 6:7.  The danger of ritually emptying our minds during religious songs is that we open ourselves to demonic control.  When we pray to our Father in heaven, or praise and worship Him, we can know “we are not heard because of our many words and vain repetitions like the heathens do.” 

· Additionally, the lyrics of older songs were clearly focusing the attention on Jesus and eternal life in heaven, while the lyrics of new songs “pull down” heaven to place the focus on “me,” being blessed by God.  In reality, “I” am already fully blessed in Christ as His born again child and disciple. (Gal. 3:10-18.) “I” must “bless” God with my praise,  thanksgiving, and worship.  Praise is not to ascribe glory to “me” but to the Almighty Creator of the universe. 


What’s more, we did not previously see masonic signs given by older singers, (this fad took off during the 1980’s with masonic singers like Jimmy Swaggart.  Every modern singer (and preacher,) sooner or later, now give their masonic signs, which proclaim that they belong to Baphomet, the god of the masonic lodge, not to Jesus!  They all want the incredible fame and fortune of the religious-political Christian world, which only allegiance to Satan can buy them, because they refuse to be hated by the world as it hated Jesus Christ, the God of the universe, (Jn. 15:18.)  Since then, blasphemous occult/Illuminati/masonic signs are daringly displayed during their ‘concerts;’ and grandiosely shown on the covers of their music albums.

Þ I must emphasize again the concern that the Name of Jesus is hardly mentioned in modern worship songs!  “Lord” or “god” can fit into any Christian, Hindu, Islam, or Satan worship song.  The Lord God Jesus Christ must be mentioned by His Name, otherwise, the song is worthless and can denote praise and worship to anyone. In the songs that flood  Christianity merely praising the lord or the father, (as in ‘father christmas,’) can mean we praise ‘lord or father Satan.’ 

Þ Then, there are the endlessly dangerous lyrics powered by false doctrine.  The "Come Now [come down] Holy Spirit..." refrain is totally unscriptural, because since That One and Only Day of Pentecost until Jesus returns, (Mt. 28:18-20,) the Holy Spirit with His full "anointing" constantly "abides" inside all His true believers, (1 Cor. 6:19; 1 Jn. 2:20; 27.) He does NOT "come down on them" as during the Old Testament before Jesus went to the cross to cleanse and deliver all true believers with His complete atonement in their place.  After the cross and Pentecost all sincere believers form the spiritual “temple of the Holy Spirit,” which will reside on earth until Jesus’ return on the clouds, (Jn. 7:39!) 

“Let My People Go,” also falls into this criterion. Jesus cannot be calling to Satan to “let His people go.” Satan was already permanently and completely “cast out” of all Jesus’ blood-cleansed believers at the moment of their personal, sincere rebirth in Christ, because Jesus eternally ‘dethroned’ him as the spiritual ‘ruler’ of believers at the cross, (Jn. 12:31; Col. 2:9-15.) Jesus’ victory also manifests in the fact that believers already have, [present tense,] Jesus’ complete authority and commission to prayerfully and in Holy-Spirit leading, “go into all the world to make disciples” by preaching His True Gospel to them, water baptizing them, and teaching them everything Jesus [and not churches] have said, (Mt. 28:18-20.)  As a result, false lyrics indoctrinate believers with false teachings, which can never be true praise or worship. 

Calling up the false “Elijah” spirit through praise songs is another deadly deception. There is no such thing as “mediating” prophets as the Promise Keepers, “manifest sons of god or god in the flesh,” say they are, (Heb. 1:1-2.) Jesus is the Only Mediator between God and man.  The restoring ministry of old “Elijah has already come through John the Baptistto prepare the Old Hebrews for Jesus’ ministry, which led to His crucifixion, death, resurrection, ascension, and the outpouring of the indwelling Holy Spirit at Pentecost, (Mt. 3:11-12.)  None of this will ever happen again, (1 Tim. 2:5; Mt. 17:12; 11:11-19.) We have Jesus God as the Last or Final Mediating Prophet, and no one can ever take His place, (Heb. 1:1-14.) “Mediating prophets” or 'go-betweens' such as Elijah and Moses forever belong to the ousted Old Covenant, (Heb. 8:13.) 

Old Testament Covenant “praise and worship” leaders literally “led” the old Israelites, but such leaders do not exist in the New Testament assembly of true believers. Every sincere believer in Christ is a spiritual “king and priest,” and all His Scriptural “ministries” humbly “wash the feet” of the ecclesia or assembly of believers with the gifts, which the Holy Spirit had entrusted to them, (1 Corinthians chapters 12 & 14.)

Of course, those who can sing and play instruments must “minister,” (as in servanthood,) to build the ecclesia in praise and worship, but they are not the icons modern “praise and worship leaders” have become.  The praise and worship of the true ecclesia or assembly of believers is also not the temple or church-structured, “priestly” control of the Old Testament, as all sincere believers are spiritual “kings and priests” in Christ, (Rev. 1:6-8; 1 Pt. 2:9-10.)  Together, they must function under the complete leading of the Holy Spirit as Paul explained, “…When you come together [in the assembly of believers,] each of you has a psalm, [a song of thanksgiving and praise,] a teaching… a tongue, a revelation, an interpretation…”

Þ Granted, not everyone can sing as well as those ‘iconic’ singers can.  However, quite the opposite of what happens in church must happen in the assembly of true believers. There, believers are entertained by “professional” praise-and-worship leaders who make millions by showing masonic signs. Here, everyone, led by the Holy Spirit, should participate in different ways because we are all members of One body: the body of Christ, where Jesus Alone is The Head of His body, (1 Cor. 14:26; 12:4-11; 12:12-31.)  And we all received gifts from the Holy Spirit to minister to one another in the ecclesia “as He wills,” with only one goal in mind: to glorify Jesus our God, Lord, Redeemer, Savior, and Blessor, with our praise, thanksgiving, and worship, (1 Cor. 12:4-11.) 

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