You will know the truth and the truth will set you free |
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INTRODUCTION: So many false doctrines govern the churches, it is no wonder that people are confused about salvation, redemption, and blessing – to name the most important teachings of God’s Real Word. The main difference between a relationship with God through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ and Christian religion in all its many forms, is that True Scriptural Salvation is NOT a ‘sacramental/saving, church process,’ like supposedly first being saved by baby baptism, (so-called ‘saving’ adult baptism as well;) teenage confirmation, etcetera, and ending with the last ‘saving sacrament:’ church burial. These are all worthless church rituals, which clergies use to add to, or supposedly ‘complete’ Jesus’ FULL atonement for believers, (Col. 2:8-15 KJV.) According to the Lord’s New Testament Covenant teachings and commandments, only those who sincerely and personally believe in Him, genuinely accept Him as their Lord, God, Savior, Redeemer, and Blessor, and follow Him through obedience to His New Testament Covenant, Moral-Law Word and teachings, are saved, (Mt. 28:18-20.) Nothing else will do. ► The entire New Testament Covenant, written through Jesus’ blood and wounds in our place, is all about a relationship with God, (Jn. 1:1-18.) Just as a baby is born once from his mother’s womb into this world, true believers, through faith in and acceptance of Jesus, are instantly spiritually born again FROM darkness INTO God’s Light AT THE MOMENT they believe in and accept Jesus Christ into their minds, human spirits, bodies, and lives, (1 Thes. 5:23; Eph. 1:7,12-14 KJV.) This is true salvation, (Jn. 3:3-6.) At that moment, Jesus and Only Jesus, baptizes them WITH the Holy Spirit by placing His Spirit INSIDE His true believers, who are then the spiritual temple of the indwelling Holy Spirit from that moment on, (1 Cor. 3:16-17; Mt. 3:11-12.) WHAT HAPPENED TO HUMANITY THAT THEY LOST THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD? The desperate attempts to be saved, redeemed, and blessed by human efforts, church membership, and worthless man made sacraments and dogmas, cannot avail to anything, (Mark 7:13; Heb. 8:7,13; 9:8-12; 10:1-10; 7:11-18 KJV.) This lostness and useless religious seeking after God began in the garden in Eden, where God created humanity sinless and “very good.” God, Who IS Spirit, created both male and female mankind in His Own Image. They are three-part beings with supernatural, unseen human spirits or ‘hearts’ and ‘souls’ or minds with a free will, intellect, and emotions, which live in their physical bodies, (1 Ths. 5:23.) God then fully blessed “them,” (both male and female,) and gave them, (male and female,) the responsibility to reign, (not sinfully rule,) as spiritual kings, (managers and custodians,) of His creation. So, before the fall in Eden, being sinless and spiritually alive unto God, humanity had a perfect relationship with God The Spirit, and could clearly hear His voice in the garden, (Gen. 1:27-28; 3:8; John 4:21-24.) At creation, God gave humanity only two commandments to obey. The first responsibility of both male and female was to Tend (take care) and Keep (protect) the Garden. In the New Testament Covenant, “the garden” translates into everything that pertains to our lives, as we still have to take care of and protect everything and everyone God entrusted to us, (2 Cor. 5:5-10.) Secondly, God commanded them, “... There is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil planted in the garden, of which you must NOT eat, for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die,” (Gen. 2:17; 1 Cor. 5:11; 15:33.) When Satan deceived them to eat of the forbidden fruit, they did indeed “die.” Yet, Adam and Eve did not fall down dead physically. They still lived consciously and physically, but died spiritually. Spirits cannot ‘die’ as we understand death. In reality, their human spirits fell out of the holy presence of God The Spirit into a ‘comatosed state’ inside them, (Mark 9:44-48; John 4:21-24; Gen. 3:9-24.) Sin is not ‘just’ disobedience to God’s Moral Law such as stealing and lying, which are mere symptoms of spiritual death, (Rom. 6:23.) Spiritual death is a spiritual place or position outside the Truth, Light, and Life of God. In effect, they fell into a real but invisible place of lostness, bondage, and cursedness without God, (Gal. 3:10-14.) ► Without a holy relationship with God, their souls or minds became corrupted and deteriorated to the perverted state we see in humans today, (Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Pt. 1:22-23.) Ephesians 4:18-19 explain this spiritually dead position without God. It reads, “Their understanding [of God and His true Word] was darkened. They were alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them; because of the blindness of their hearts [or comatosed spirits.] Being past feeling [or moral human conscience,] they gave themselves over to vulgarity to work all uncleanness with greediness.”
After that, everyone is born in that position of utter darkness outside God’s spiritual life, (Rom. 5:12 KJV; 1 Jn. 5:19; 1 Pt. 2:9-10.) Since the fall in Eden, cut off from God The Spirit, humans could NOT enter into His Holy Presence or have a relationship with Him, (Gen. 3:24.) So, they hid from Him to continue their sinful deeds in underhandedness, (Gen. 3:9-10.) What’s more, that day in the garden when humanity lost their spiritual place in God’s holy presence, (Genesis 3:23-24,) He cursed the ground, (not them,) to bring forth thorns and thistles. This means, their blessed life became extremely difficult on a multilevel. Creation too, still severely suffer the consequences of that curse, (Rom. 8:20.) Even the superrich and those that seem happy and healthy, also live in that state of lostness and CURSEDNESS without God the Spirit, (Galatians 3:10-18.) Even so, God wanted humanity to regain their personal relationship with Him, (Gen. 3:15.) He did not want them to worship Him from far away in outward religious structures like the old Israeli temple, which was governed by worthless religious rituals, ceremonies, and sacraments as we see in the Old Testament covenant, (Heb. 9:8-15; 10:1-7! Acts 7:44-50.) · The Lord Jesus Christ confirmed this when He said to Nicodemus and to the woman at the well in John 3:3-5 and 4:21-24, “UNLESS ONE IS [spiritually] BORN AGAIN FROM WATER, [not ‘sacramental,’ ‘saving’ baptism, but through the truth of God’s Word: 1 Pt. 1:23,] AND THE [power of the] HOLY SPIRIT, HE CANNOT SEE, [understand,] OR ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD... [After the cross and Pentecost,] YOU WILL WORSHIP NEITHER ON THIS MOUNTAIN, [this denomination or the ousted religion of Judaism, Hebrews 8:7,13,] NOR IN JERUSALEM, [some ‘holy place or holy land,’] BUT TRUE WORSHIPPERS WILL WORSHIP THE FATHER IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH, [in a perfect relationship with Him as Adam and Eve did before the fall: Jn. 14:5-11.] GOD IS SPIRIT, AND THOSE WHO WORSHIP HIM MUST WORSHIP IN [their born again] SPIRITS AND IN THE TRUTH [of My Word,]” (Mt. 19:28-30, Acts 2!) Church and sacraments have nothing to do with real, Scriptural salvation, redemption, and blessing in Jesus Christ, which is solely between God and true believers, (Jn. 3:16-18.) To be spiritually born again as the Lord Jesus commanded, everyone needs to understand Who the Lord Jesus Christ really Is. John 1:1-3,14, stated, “In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that were made… And The Word became flesh, [a mere human being born from the Hebrew nation,] and dwelt among [them,] and [they] beheld His glory as the only Begotten of the Father [in heaven,] full of grace and Truth… [Verse 5,] And [Jesus The Light] shone in the [spiritual] darkness [of this dimension,] but [those who chose to live in darkness] did not comprehend it.” The Lord Jesus Christ, (God in the body of a mere man,) “Is the Image of the invisible God… For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and on earth; both visible and invisible...” (Col. 1:15-16; Heb. 1:1-14.) Why did God become a mere man? “To deliver [all true believers worldwide, Jews included,] from the power of [spiritual] darkness [or deception that rule the minds of all people since the fall in the garden,] to convey [or spiritually transfer] them [FROM spiritual darkness] INTO the Kingdom of [the Lord Jesus Christ,]” (Col. 1:13.) Therefore, “God SO loved the [whole] world that He gave His only begotten Son, [Jesus the Christ,] that whoever, [Gentiles as well as Jews, who sincerely and personally] believe in Him, should NOT perish but have everlasting life. [Verse 18,] He who believes, [accepts, trusts in, relies on, and follows Him,] is NOT condemned. But he who does NOT believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of [Jesus;] the only begotten Son of God.” What did the Lord Jesus Christ come to do on earth? No amount of ‘good’ religious works, (so-called ‘saving’ church legalism/sacramentalism,) or any type of church membership can replace or add to the all-sufficient atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ; the Only Redeemer, Savior, and Blessor of all sincerely believing humanity, (Heb. 1:1-14.) Jesus Christ came to FULFILL the entire Law; and to suffer, die, and be resurrected from the dead for every one of our trespasses of the Law, as well as for all the consequences we experience as a result, (Mt. 17-20; Jn. 3:16-18; Isaiah 53:3-6! Jn. 19:28-30; Gal. 3:10-14 KJV.) Therefore, Jesus the Redeemer, Savior, and Blessor became the One and Only New Testament Covenant “Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the [whole believing] world!” (Jn. 1:29.) For “In Him we have [present tense] the [full spiritual] redemption through His blood [atonement in our place, which is] the forgiveness of our sins, according to His grace, (Eph. 1:7.)”
THIS IS HOW GOD’S TRUE WORD TEACHES US TO BE BORN AGAIN Thomas, Jesus’ disciple, asked in John 14:5-11, “Lord… how can we know the way?” The Lord answered, “I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME...” Note that church dogmas, clergies, and sacraments are not to be found anywhere in Jesus’ teachings. The Lord said that knowing the Father, (or having a relationship with God through Him, the Only Christ, Mediator, or High Priest between man and God,) is The ONLY WAY to heaven, (1 Tim. 2:5; Heb. 4:14-16 KJV.) Again, no religion or church sacrament can substitute The Way, (Jesus Himself,) to the Father in heaven. “There is One God and One Mediator between God and man: the man Jesus Christ,” (1 Tim. 2:5.) So, “There is NO OTHER NAME [but Jesus] UNDER HEAVEN GIVEN AMONG MEN BY WHICH WE MUST BE SAVED,” (Acts 4:12.) Jesus and His disciple John told us exactly how to be spiritually born again. In John 3:3-5 the Lord assured, “I say to you, unless you are [spiritually] born again [from above] you cannot see [understand] or enter the [spiritual] Kingdom of God…” John concluded, “[God Who became a man] came to His own, [the Israeli nation,] but they did not receive Him [as the True Christ.] BUT AS MANY [from every tongue, tribe and nation, Jews included,] WHO [personally and sincerely] believe in Him [and wholeheartedly RECEIVE HIM as the Only Savior of mankind,] TO THEM HE GAVE THE [power or] RIGHT TO BECOME THE CHILDREN OF GOD; TO THOSE WHO [sincerely and personally] BELIEVE IN HIS NAME; WHO WERE BORN, [at the moment they accepted Him in faith,] NOT OF BLOOD, [ancestry,] THE WILL OF THE FLESH, [physically,] OR THE WILL OF MAN, [church dogmas and sacraments,] BUT OF GOD…” (Jn. 1:12-13.) WHEN AND HOW DO WE RECEIVE THE INDWELLING HOLY SPIRIT? Because mankind died spiritually in the garden through disobedience to God, we all have to personally choose to wholeheartedly and unshakably believe in Jesus to be spiritually born again, (Jn. 1:12-14; 3:3-5.) · Then, at the moment of our sincere and personal belief, which is the full acceptance of Christ, Jesus Himself baptizes us WITH the Holy Spirit; placing His Spirit IN US as His spiritual, blood-cleansed, holy, human temple, (Mt. 3:11; Lu. 17:20-21 KJV! 1 Cor. 3:16-17!) · “And of His fullness, [the indwelling Holy Spirit,]” we receive grace upon grace, [to live a new life in Christ through His full atonement for us,]” (Jn. 1:12-16.) Colossians 1:13-14 say, “We were delivered, [fully set free and saved at the moment we accepted Jesus,] from the [deceptive] power of darkness and conveyed [or fully brought into] the [spiritual] Kingdom of God’s Son; in Whom we have, [present tense,] redemption, [total deliverance from sin and its repercussions,] through His blood [atonement,] which is the forgiveness of [all our] sins,” (Ephesians 1:7; 12-14.) · So, the moment we surrender ourselves to God and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord, Redeemer, and Savior, (and NOT step-by-step or at a ‘later stage,’) Jesus Himself baptizes us in full with the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 3:11 KJV.) John 3:34, “GOD DOES NOT GIVE HIS SPIRIT BY MEASURE.” This means, the ever-present, resurrected Jesus Christ Himself places His constantly indwelling Holy Spirit inside our blood-cleansed spirits, souls or minds, and physical bodies, (Rom, 8:9-11; 1 Cor. 3:16-17; 1 Jn. 2:20,27 KJV.) Thus, at our rebirth, we instantly become a spiritual temple of the Holy Spirit and a member of Jesus’ spiritual body of believers, (1 Corinthians 12:12-14.) These miracles too, have nothing to do with joining OR CONVERTING TO a church. Everything we receive from God is strictly between the believer and God Himself. · Henceforward, believers must personally occupy this “complete, spiritual, born again position in Christ, (Colossians 2:9-10 KJV,) through a constant, growing relationship with our Father in heaven on a MIND/SOUL level, (1 Pt. 1:-24 KJV.) · One of the most important steps to understand God’s will for every situation to obey Him is the constant “renewal of our minds,” (our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions - Rom. 12:1-2; Jude 1:20.) Being instantly born again through faith in and acceptance of Christ and then by glorifying God through the persistent renewal our “minds,” is the only way to be saved, redeemed, and blessed. So, acquiring and maintaining our new lives in the Lord Jesus Christ and everything pertaining to it, is our personal choice and responsibility, (John 14:6; Mt. 7:7; 2 Peter 3:18 KJV.)
WHEN AND HOW MUST THE NEW BELIEVER BE BAPTIZED IN WATER AS JESUS COMMANDED? The Lord Jesus’ true water baptism too, has absolutely nothing to do with church membership and so-called ‘saving church sacraments.’ Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:18-20, “All authority was given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore [in My authority] and make disciples of all the nations [by preaching My True Gospel NOT church dogma to them;] water baptizing these disciples [according to My own example and commandment, Matthew 3:16,] in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; teaching [the disciples] everything that I, [NOT churches,] have commanded you. And lo, I Am with you always, [through the indwelling Holy Spirit,] even to the end of the world.” The water baptism of Jesus’ true believers by submersion in water must be as He Himself illustrated, (Matthew 3:16-17.) This true water baptism is a symbol of the spiritual rebirth of the genuine believer, who have died spiritually and on a mind level to sin and the sinful world, and who is symbolically buried under the water. When the believer comes up out of the water, it symbolizes his resurrection into a new spiritual and soulical/mental life in Christ. “[Those] who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death. Therefore, we were symbolically buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead… even so we also should walk in newness of life… as our old man [of sin] was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. For he who has died [to sin and the sinful world] has been freed from sin… and we also believe we shall live with Christ… [now and for all eternity!]” (Rom. 6:1-14; Col. 2:9-15.)
Dear reader, in the light of all of the above, if you are willing to surrender yourself completely to the Lord Jesus Christ, here follows a prayer to guide you to the One and Only Creator GOD of the universe, the Almighty Creator of heaven, earth, the sea, and everything that is in it, (John 14:6.) This is not a church or other formula, but a personal petition to the Most High God Himself. “Holy Father in heaven, I sincerely come to You in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son. I am a lost sinner in need of The Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who suffered and died on the cross and rose bodily from the grave to save me, (Luke 24:39.) I now, by believing in You, Lord Jesus Christ and by understanding Your Gospel of complete redemption, salvation, and blessedness, choose You as my personal God, Lord, Redeemer, and Savior, (John 1:12-13; 20:28-29.) By faith I fully dedicate myself to You, Lord Jesus; The Only Way, Truth, Life, and Light to The Father, and accept You into my heart, (my own human spirit,) my soul, (my mind, will, intellect, and emotions,) my body, and my entire life, (Jn. 1:12-13! 1:1-3; 14:6; 1 Ths. 5:23.) · Heavenly Father, please forgive me all my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness through the blood-atonement of Jesus Christ in my place, (1 Jn. 1:8-10; Col. 1:13-14.) [We must sincerely and by name confess all our own immoral sins such as stealing, lying, fornication, etcetera, and ask God to reveal to us even our forgotten sins, which we must also confess and then repent from.] · Heavenly Father, I also choose to forgive all those who have unrepentedly sinned against me. [We may call them by name and the abuse they exerted on us.] Please help me to also make right with those whom I have abused, and to sincerely set those who abused me free into Your Almighty, Righteous Hand. [To correct our personal relationships as far as it “depends on us,” we must always practically obey James 5:16; Matthew 5:21-26, and Matthew 18:15-20 to sort out everything with those whom we have wronged and who have wronged us.] I completely surrender and submit myself spirit, soul, body, and my whole life to You Alone, (Rom. 12:1-2.) From now on, You, my Eternal Heavenly Father, will be my only God, Redeemer, Savior, Blessor, Apostle, High Priest, and the Author and Finisher of my faith through Jesus Christ, my Eternal Mediator, High Priest, King, and Advocate, (1 John 2:1-6.) · Thank You that Your Holy Spirit now fully lives in me, (John 1:16; 3:3-5; Gal. 4:6-7.) Please Father, always be my Highest Guide, Strength, Teacher, Provider, Defender, Redeemer, Healer, and Comforter, (Hebrews 1:1-3.) By Your grace I choose to live in Your strength to obey all the precepts of Your Moral Law that is written on my ‘heart’ and mind. Please help me to do that in the full context and truth of Your New Testament Word to glorify You, (Heb. 8:10; 1 Cor. 10:11 KJV.) Father, I need You to help me to repent from all sin and deception, (for which I sincerely ask Your forgiveness,) by placing myself, other people, and things above You, (which is idolatry;) taking Your Name in vain, (which includes dishonoring You in any way;) all lies, deception, and manipulation, (as Satan is the murderous father of ALL lies, John 8:44;) bearing FALSE witness against other people, [all those who love and unrepentedly practice lies and slander, will not go to heaven: Revelation 22:14-15;] being jealous of other people and torturing them [and animals] emotionally, intellectually, and physically, (Jn. 3:15;) all fornication, adultery, theft, [etcetera…] to live a holy lifestyle in You according to the teachings of my Lord Jesus Christ. · Because You Are Holy, please help me to live holy from now on, (1 Peter 1:16.) Please teach me all Your Scriptural, New Covenant ways, and help and guide me to be Your faithful, obedient disciple or follower under all circumstances, (Jn. 8:12.) Heavenly Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I choose to reject all false teaching and renounce all false religion and false beliefs because I am now the born again, blood cleansed child of the Most High, Most Holy God, the Creator of the universe. Please help me to know Your voice and to follow You above all else, because You will always speak to me according to the entire truth of Your Word; the full contextual truth of the Bible, viewed from Your eternal New Testament Covenant, (Jn. 16:13-14.) · Thank You that I now, by faith, live spiritually with Your spiritual Kingdom of truth, light, eternal life, and Godly love in ‘deed and truth,’ ‘WITHIN ME,’ (1 Peter 2:9-10; Luke 17:21-22 KJV!) Thank You that Your Holy Spirit will lead me into “all truth,” (Jn. 16:8-11; Rom. 8:9-11.) Thank You that I am now also a blood-cleansed spiritual temple of the Holy Spirit Who dwells in me, (1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:15-20.) Thank You also that You give me Your spiritual gifts “as You will;” and that You will always manifest them to glorify Your Name in everything I do, (1 Corinthians 12:4-11.) Thank You that I am now part of “Your spiritual royal priesthood, your HOLY nation,” who minister to one another in the born again Body of Christ, and who are Your instruments to make disciples by preaching Your True Gospel as you lead us to do, (1 Pt. 2:9-10; Mt. 28:18-20.) · In the Name of Jesus Christ I take captive every thought to bring my mind, (will, intellect, and emotions,) into obedience to You Alone, (2 Cor. 10:3-5.) Please give me the grace to worship You in “spirit and in truth” until You come to take me home, while You “complete the good work You began in me,” (2 Pt. 3:18! 2 Cor. 1:21-22 KJV.) Please heavenly Father, always protect me and everyone and everything You entrusted to me, under the blood-Covenant of Your Son Jesus Christ and let Your mighty, holy angels surround me, my loved ones, my entire life, and everything that pertains to it all, (Heb. 1:14; Ps. 91.) Thank you that you always hear and answer me, just because I am Your born again child by Your grace in Jesus Christ, (Eph. 5:30, KJV.) Amen.
THE NEXT STEP OF OBEDIENCE TO JESUS: Repentance and the Biblical Water Baptism of Jesus’ Sincere Disciples Blessing or Curse — the choice is yours! · How to follow Jesus in a New Life: The Law, Grace, or the Moral Law? “The Ransom Sacrifice paid to Satan” or Jesus’ Choice to Fulfill The Law for us? What is the Difference Between the Kingdom of GOD and the Kingdom of HEAVEN? How to live fruitful in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ ► The Seven Ecclesias in Revelation show us How to Overcome Satan’s Traps Constant backsliding “is okay because Paul cried, “Oh wretched man that I am?” |