You will know the truth and the truth will set you free

Was Jesus Begotten or Created — And is There a Difference? 


Renette Vermeulen


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[Acknowledgement to the person or people who published these images]






Facebook post, April 11, 2018. 

I did this study for a friend’s blog a while ago, but I think it is relevant to repeat it. I always approach seemingly unexplainable passages and verses in the Bible with great caution. We can so easily fall into human and thus ungodly interpretations if we do not stick to what is really written in the context of Biblical truth. Our names (reputations) are “worth more than silver and gold,” God said, and thus commanded us to “remind [one another…] not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers.  [Make our own dogmas to explain Scripture.] But be diligent to present ourselves approved to God, [not working for salvation or blessing, but to truly understand the Scriptures in context, and also to interpret them in the context of every unique situation;] a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” (2 Tim. 2:14-16.) 

To supposedly “describe and understand the indescribable origin of God, very dangerous lies were spread concerning the incarnation of Christ, or God becoming a mere man “in the flesh,” (Jn. 1:1-14.) And so, the doctrine that states Jesus was created not begotten is very old. It came from Clement of Alexandria in 200 A.D. Learning from his pagan mentor Philo, he said, “As a created being, Jesus was God but not equal to God, but some kind of lesser god.” Philo said Logos [The Word] is “immaterial, an adequate image of the god Demiurge, [the god or actually the ‘dark mind of men itself’ in Greek philosophy, from where Edward Irving spiritualized the whole Bible for the Old, New, and some of the other Apostolic Churches,] his shadow and… son, although he is imperishable…”

Refuting this blasphemy, Heb. 7:3 teaches, “[Melchizedek or Jesus] is without father, mother, genealogy; having neither beginning of days nor end of life, [because He Is God Himself,] but made like the Son of God [or God becoming not as a spirit among men, but literally taking on humanity or the “form of” human flesh…]”  That’s why the entire Bible states that Jesus was not created, but begotten of God.  This is because Jesus is God Himself, Who “became the Son of Man” or a mere human for the purpose of saving, redeeming, and blessing fallen humanity.  And so, Paul stated in Col. 2:8-9, “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy… according to [pagan Christianized church dogma and] the tradition of men… For in [Christ Jesus] dwells [present tense] the fullness of the Godhead [Father and Holy Spirit] bodily, and you are [present tense] complete in Him, Who is the Head of all principality and power.”  The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of the Bible will forever be One [Inseparable] God: almighty, all-knowing, and ever-present everywhere in heaven, on earth, and throughout the whole universe at the same time. 


The first sinless human man Adam was created from dust.  The Second Sinless Adam (or God Himself, Who became a human being,) was begotten of God and birthed by a completely human mother, (Jn. 1:1-14.)  Thus, God Jesus was physically born in a human body that was also created from dust, (Heb. 1:1-14.)  To explain exactly how God the Father “begot” the fully human Jesus, is simply impossible without twisting the Scriptures and adding our own opinions. We only have what God Himself chose to reveal to us in the full context of the Bible. However, we do know for certain that the first Adam, through his disobedience to God’s Word, (“you will not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,”) fell into a spiritual state or position of sin without God and pulled all of humanity with him, (Rom. 3:9-19.)  But God Jesus, the Second Adam, was perfectly and sinlessly begotten by the Father as a man, to bring believing humanity back to their original spiritual position or sinless state in the Garden in Eden, through His perfect atonement in their place, (Jn. 3:16; Rom. 3:19-26.) 

Þ Most importantly, God Jesus did not inhabit a sinful physical body.  The physical human body in itself is not sinful at all, as some sects that ‘chastise the sinful flesh’ by beating and starving themselves, etcetera, believe.  What’s more, the physical body cannot sin by itself or defile itself.  The “sinful flesh” is the “mind” or thoughts and beliefs of man that has to be “renewed” or “transformed” to “understand and obey the perfect will of God,” once the person was spiritually born again through personal faith in Christ, (Rom. 12:1-2; Eph. 4:17-24; Col. 2:8-15.)  Truly born again believers are, therefore, “saints” in Jesus, (which means sinless ones,) because they were spiritually “washed in His blood” through personal faith in and acceptance of Him, (Jn. 1:12-13.)  Paul taught in 1 Cor. 6:15-20 that the physical bodies of true believers are the  holy temple or constant dwelling place of the Holy Spirit of God. 

Þ Just as importantly, Jesus was not born in a state or position of sin without God as the rest of fallen humanity.  God Jesus, the Second Adam, was completely sinless begotten - and He remained sinless throughout His human life on earth.  So, Jesus, the Perfect Second Adam, did not partake in either the inherited “sinful nature” or the “sinful flesh,” (the sinful mindsets and thoughts) of humanity, being the Most Holy God Himself. Yet, Jesus was so perfectly human, He had all the needs [not sinful wants,] emotions, and free will of humanity, so that Satan could work on His fragile humanity to tempt Him just like he tempts us all to commit sin!  [Read in Col. 2:9-15 what happens to the “sinful nature,” (not the ‘sinful flesh’ or thoughts as described in Rom. 8:1-17,) that humanity inherited from Adam and Eve at the fall, once sincere believers are born again in Christ.  To believe born again believers have the “sin nature” of Satan still dwelling in them is a terrible lie.]


In another satanic trick, false teachers even ‘explained exactly’ how Jesus was created.  They alleged, “God directly formed [or created] a body for the second Adam, [like a test tube baby of a new god species,] and placed Him into Mary’s womb to avoid Mary’s sinful human DNA.” But if Jesus did not have human DNA, He was not human.  As seen above, the human body or DNA of humanity is not sinful at all! 

It is a Roman Catholic fallacy that the physical body itself is sinful.  Still, contradicting their own statement, “Jesus was created like a test-tube baby,” they also say the ‘created’ Jesus had Eve’s DNA, and therefore He also had a “sinful nature,” because Scripture states, “I was shaped in iniquity and in sin my mother conceived me.” So, “Jesus was also conceived in sin.” 

Þ They got that from Ps. 51:5, which does not refer to Mary’s DNA, but to the following: “The later rabbis, combining this verse with the mystery hanging over the origin and name of David’s mother, present him as born in adultery. (See Stanley, Jewish Church, chap. ii., p. 46, Note.) The word ‘conceived’ [in this context,] is certainly one generally used of animal desire.”

We cannot bring this “sinful” conception of supposedly all humanity in Ps. 51:5 to Mary’s Most Holy, Miraculous Conception. It relates to the false doctrine that pertains to the ancestry of the so-called Serpent-Seed union between Eve and Satan, and the ancestors of Cain: the sinful mother who allegedly conceived a whole generation of ‘corrupted’ people in sin. This, of course, is racist nonsense and not in the Bible. 

Þ Yet, Mary’s “sinful DNA” dogma continues by stating, “Jesus was only created in the likeness of, (not as) sinful flesh.”  This is another misinterpretation of Scripture.  God is God: the Most Holy Creator of everyone and everything.  Jesus Is, Was, and always Will Be God Himself, (Heb. 1:1-14.) “Taking on the likeness of flesh” means Jesus merely took on an ordinary, sinless, physical, human body, as explained.  On the other hand, Satan has never, and will never create anything. Scientists do DNA mixes by merely using God-created DNA. They are committing abominations from God’s perfect creation that chill the minds of righteous people, but they are not creating new life! 


Exactly how did Mary become pregnant? This is easy to answer. Simply believe the Scriptures and not Clement and his blasphemous descendants, who attack Jesus’ Divinity and complete, sinless humanity.  In Lu. 1:26-38, the angel simply said to Mary, “You will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and call His Name Jesus...” Mt. 1:19, “For the Child that is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit...” Isa. 7:14, “...The virgin will conceive and bear a [fully human] Son....”

How do we understand Mary’s miraculous conception?  Mary too, quite confused, asked, “How can this be, since I have not known a man?” But the angel merely said, “The Holy Spirit will come over you and the power of the Highest will overshadow you.  Therefore, the Holy One born will be called the Son of God.”  We know nothing more than this.  So there is nothing more to understand or say. 

That Jesus was really Mary’s human God Child, is clear in the long genealogy of Jesus that He inherited from His mother, otherwise He would have been an imposter! He is really the royal descendant of King David, and the son of Abraham... as described in Mt. 1:17. 

Þ Although every person since the fall, except Jesus Who was “begotten by God,” was born into spiritual death, (the fallen sin-state or position without God, Rom. 3:9-24,) the Marriage Covenant was declared completely holy by God Himself. Jesus was conceived while Mary was engaged or “betrothed” to Joseph. It was/is the legal, first part of the two-part Hebrew marriage. If Joseph “her husband” were to divorce her during their engagement, he had to give her a letter of divorce to break the marriage, (Mt. 1:19.)  But God told Joseph that she was truly a virgin.  No adultery was committed.  The Most High Creator God of heaven and earth and of the human body simply “overshadowed” her supernaturally. 

All praise and glory to the Highest God in Heaven, the true Christ Jesus of the Bible, (of both the New and the Old Testaments,) because He became a Man, the Son of God, to be the physical “Image of the invisible God… For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible… And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.  And He is the Head of [His believing, blood-cleansed] body… And you, being dead in your [state of sin without Him,] He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out [everything you have done to violate the Moral law,] having disarmed principalities and powers.  He made a spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it [at the very moment He died on that cross.]”  Col. 1:16-17; 2:8-15.

Jn. 1:14 states, “The Word [Jesus] became flesh [a perfect human being while remaining the Perfect God,] and dwelt among us... [in sinless] glory as of the only begotten [Son] of the Father…”  Jn. 3:16, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, [actually Himself in all fullness,] that whoever believers in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” 


Nevertheless, this ‘created’ lie also compares Rom. 8:8 to Jesus Who “became flesh,” stating that “those who are in the flesh cannot please God.”  In other words, they are saying that the perfect Man Jesus Christ could not please God, because He was created in “sinful flesh” or in a “sinful” human body just like every other human being.

Indeed, the truth about God’s Word and everything else is always in the context of the passage, Bible Book, and Testament.  In fact, this passage in Romans 8 has nothing to do with Jesus’ incarnation.  This passage teaches on the ‘sinful flesh’ or sinful thought patterns of the “unrenewed mind,” which does not relate to our sinless physical bodies at all, (Rom. 12:1-2.)  “Sinful flesh” constitute carnal thoughts without obedience to, or real knowledge of the Word of God, which is “in enmity with the indwelling Holy Spirit, Who inhabits all true believers.  That is why, after their spiritual rebirth, believers must still be mentally “transformed” through real Scriptural knowledge of God’s Word to “know” and do God’s will, (Rom. 12:1-2.) 

Þ The misunderstanding of such a Great Spiritual Mystery as Jesus’ miraculous conception and virgin birth illustrates exactly what Rom. 8:8 says, (from verse 7,) “The carnal [unrenewed, sin-infested] mind [which Jesus did not have,] is in enmity with God; [Rom. 12:1-2,] for [the “sinful flesh” of the unrenewed mind] it is not subject to the law of God. [Who can say such a blasphemous thing about Jesus?] So then, those who are in the flesh, [or in this case, are controlled by their sinful minds or thoughts,] cannot please God.” 

In the whole of New Testament/Covenant truth, God said to the Man Jesus when He was baptised by immersion in the river as an example for all true, believing disciples, “This is My beloved Son, [God Himself in a sinless, human body,] in Whom I Am well pleased,” (Col. 2:9-10; Mt. 3:13-17.) 


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