You will know the truth and the truth will set you free |
“LET WOMEN KEEP SILENT IN THE CHURCHES; FOR THEY DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO SPEAK. THEY ARE COMMANDED TO BE UNDER OBEDIENCE TO ALL MEN - AS ALSO SAYS [WHAT] LAW! THEY MUST BE TAUGHT AT HOME FOR IT IS SHAMEFUL FOR A WOMAN TO [ASK QUESTIONS OR SPEAK] IN ‘CHURCH’” As seen, it is apparent that “Paul” or whoever wrote such blasphemy against God’s truth, decided that women are so inferior to men and unworthy of the love and salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ, they must remain quiet and be “saved in childbearing if they and their children remain [pious,]” (1 Tim. 2:11-15.) Then suddenly, that misogynist writer allowed them to ‘minister’ through a ‘mediating’ man or ‘spiritual cover;’ honored by the wearing of a veil or other headdress. This applies even to strange men such as ‘pastors;’ which is demonic husbandry. All this is allegedly so because women are supposedly not under the Headship of the High Priest and Mediator Jesus Christ, but under the headship of all men, (1 Cor. 11:1-16.) The reason? Because the “man was not created for the woman but the woman for the man!” So, all this rubbish imply that all men have marital rights to all women in the “body of Christ,” as gender only applies to the marriage covenant, not to secular and religious life, as the real Paul explained in Galatians 3:28! (Gen. 1:27-28; 2:24!) · As if all that is not abusive enough, the double-minded “Paul” or whoever wrote these false ‘commandments,’ then decided differently again and suddenly slammed women to complete silence and “obedience [to all men] ...AS ALSO SAYS THE LAW! And if they want to [learn anything,] let them ask their own husbands at home. IT is [now even] shameful for a woman to speak in ‘church,’” or to open her mouth in the assemblies of believers, (1 Cor. 14:34-35) · A “law” is used here to support this inconceivable discrimination against women – a law that does not exist in Moses’ Law or anywhere else in the Bible! It is impossible that the Righteous Judge and God of the universe — or even the real Paul, would lie, manipulate, and deceive like this in an attempt to make such blatant abuse of women legal in the assemblies of believers with a law that does not exist! · Some theologians refer this ‘law’ to Genesis 3:16, “He will rule over you.” Yet, contextually, this too, is clearly not a law at all but a warning to all husband-adoring women that men are inherently misogynistic, (Genesis 3:6 & 12.) Thus, they will take advantage of them and abuse them on levels many women do not even know exist. · Even if it were a ‘law’ in the Old Testament, (which it isn’t,) did Christ not fulfil the entire Law for females as well? (Mt. 5:17; Gal. 3:7-14; 2:18-21.) How dare anyone abuse God’s holy Word, the Bible Scriptures, to make women into worthless utensils, who have no recourse but to be the work slaves and sex slaves of fornicating, adulterating men! · Whoever slammed women to silence and senseless obedience under a “law” that does not exist, had pure satanic intentions, that's for sure. The aim was clearly to rob women of their redemption and salvation through faith in Jesus. By God’s grace, Peter testified in 2 Peter 2:1, “[Just as in the Old Testament,] false teachers among you will secretly bring in destructive heresies… And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom The Way of Truth will be blasphemed…” Paul picked up on that and added in Galatians 2:5-6, “To [false secret agents,] we did not yield submission even for an hour, that the truth of the Gospel might continue with us… [as] God shows personal favoritism to no man…”
“I DO NOT ALLOW A WOMAN TO TEACH OR EXERCISE AUTHORITY OVER MEN, BUT TO BE IN SILENCE.” ‘ABSORBING AUTHORITY BY TEACHING’ IS A SIN FOR EVERYONE, NOT JUST WOMEN. Then, there is the so-called “Pauline” instruction in 1 Timothy 2:11-14. Paul allegedly wrote, “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.” This is just another repetition of all the other gagging instructions on women just because God created them female for their husbands — although God said they were also “created in His image [as the other half of mankind, so they must also] subdue [or manage] the earth… and have dominion over [everything that moves, in conjunction with the man,] (Gen. 1:27-28.) Hence, in Acts 2:17-18 Jesus clearly called females as His “prophetesses and servants” or ministers. But according to Paul, (if it were him speaking,) even if God entrusted His gifts of teaching, prophecy, etcetera, as well as His specific calling to her, the woman has no platform from which to speak. · Can this voice that speaks such hateful discrimination against women really be the Paul who said, “[No one must lord over another,] but in humility the one must “esteem the other higher” than him or herself, and we must all “submit to one another” - in everything that is true and Godly? (Eph. 5:21.) · So, if men stand on these so-called “commandments” and women submit to them, what about Jesus’ commandments concerning the talents He entrusted to every person, for which we must all give account to Him? (Mt. 25:14-30; 2 Cor. 5:10!) God commanded us to obey and follow Him above all else, otherwise we “cannot be His disciples,” (Mt. 10:34-39.) · Should women allow misogynists to bring them under God’s judgment for bad stewardship through submission to their demonic oppression just because they are female? “The Kingdom of heaven is like a man travelling to a far country, who called his own [male and female] servants, (Acts 2:17-18,) and delivered his goods to them… [While those who gained more talents were commended,] the unprofitable servant will be cast into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” So, this misogynistic oppression on women can and will rob them not only of glorifying God on this side of the grave, but from their eternal lives in heaven! That is why Jesus warned in Revelation 3:11, “...Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown [or eternal life!]”
This is only one of the terrible consequences of male chauvinistic abuse of women! Yet, ‘Paul’ or whoever wrote all that blasphemy continued, “I allow not a woman to teach, nor to exercise authority over the man, but to be in silence.” Once again, one can easily refute all that in the context of what God and even Paul His servant declared in the New Covenant. Firstly, ministry in the assembly of believers cannot be confused with the marriage covenant where the husband must be the loving servant-leader of his own wife, whom she must then respect in everything good and Godly. Secondly, it stands like a lighthouse in a storm that this so-called “commandment” that forbids women to teach and speak, brutally violates God’s commandment in Genesis 1:27-28, that females must manage “the whole earth” in combination with males as their equals. Then, these haters of women conveniently forget about God’s promise in Acts 2:17-18 that women will prophecy and minister as His servants. How can the person who commanded these anti-creation and Scripture-violating ‘laws’ expect women to wilfully disobey God? Thirdly, these unscriptural and thus unlawful commandments also accuse women servants or ministers of Christ of “exercising authority” by teaching truth, just because they are female. This directly contravenes Jesus’ commandment in Mark 10:42-43, “Gentiles consider themselves rulers, lord over them, and exercise [sinful] authority over them. Yet it will not be so among you… [all those who were called to be leaders] must be your servants.” · If the mere act of teaching means to “sinfully absorb authority,” no one, men included, are allowed to teach anyone. How ridiculous is that? If Paul wrote this, his decree to “[humbly] submit yourselves one to another [in all truth and Godliness, Eph. 5:21,]” must have suddenly disappeared from his mind. Fourthly, what is the reason why women supposedly ‘must not usurp [legitimate] authority over men’ in the secular and religious world? “For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, was in transgression.” In reality “Paul” said, “I do not allow a woman to teach or have authority as a joint-heir of Christ, because even spiritually, she was created a lesser being. She remains untrustworthy – remember how her mother Eve was deceived? Therefore, her sinful, cursed state still counts against her. The blood of Jesus simply cannot clean women from all sin and unrighteousness. That is reserved only for men.” · The woman was created in God’s image and blessed by Him just like the man, (Gen. 1:27-28.) What demonic doctrine is this that permeated God’s Word and the minds of men? It certainly did not come from the mouth of God!
All these disgusting, misogynist-patriarch twisting of God’s Word have serious, far-reaching implications. If these ‘orders’ are correct, it actually means God demands that women must have no role in any form of life, society, the body of Christ, or in Him. Men made women into lesser beings just like the animals are, and so, they call upon God to sanction their abuse of all women, little girls, and even the wives of other men as their common property, (Hebrews 13:4.) It is as plain as daylight that these cannot be Godly commandments. It is satanic lawlessness!
Based on these totally unbiblical passages, cult leaders such as David Koresh did exactly all that to claim the females in his church as his “concubines!” Like all religious but fallen, demonically controlled men, he suffered from King Solomon syndrome. · The real Paul actually commanded, “Walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, [or abuser!] who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore, do not be partakers with them, (Eph. 5:2-7.) Read this article from the beginning Relating articles: THE AHAB AND JEZEBEL DECEPTION UNSCRIPTURAL HIERARCHY OF ‘RULING’ ‘ELDERS’ The Dreadful Consequences of the Fall in Eden Did God change His Marriage Covenant so we may Divorce at will? GOD’S UNIVERSAL AND SPECIFIC PLAN FOR MARRIAGE PARTNERS ABUSE WAS NOT EVE’S PUNISHMENT THE TWO-PHASE WEDDING CEREMONY AND “LIVING TOGETHER — ‘MARRIED IN GOD’S EYES?’
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New Testament Tithing and Excessive Giving is a Gospel of Greed - Tithe to Melchizedek? How to live fruitful in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ
How do we know the Voice of the Holy Spirit? Þ The Great ‘Deliverance’ Deception Þ The Power of Praise in Deliverance from Affliction · The Way to Freedom: a prayer for healing · “Deliver us from evil and Restore our souls” · Dealing with Abuse and Abusers God’s Way Believing spirits without “testing” them is to “exalt ourselves above the knowledge of God”